Development & Public Works

Development & Public Works

Department Divisions

Looks at the long-term future of the community and how we might grow, and oversees changes to property inside the City or the Urban Growth Boundary around it.

Jeff Paschall, Division Director.

Protects Springfield’s water resources by managing a stormwater program and partnering in the regional wastewater program.

Matt Stouder, Division Director.

Keeps the City’s systems- streets (including traffic signals), wastewater, stormwater- running smoothly.

Brian Conlon, Division Director.

Public Hearings

Highlighted Information

Updates on how GO Bond Measure 20-296 (2018) is fixing Springfield’s streets today.

Permitting Information

Find Development Center resources online.

Building Inspections

Request building inspections from the City of Springfield.


Building permits for Oregon contractors.

Springfield Maps

Official maps of Springfield’s natural, structural, and civic landscapes.

Emergency Management

Find resources to help prepare for an emergency.

Linda Lane Property

Learn about the 34 acres of City-owned land along Linda Lane.

Springfield’s Fees & Charges

Master Fees & Charges for the City’s general activities July 2023-24.

RV Occupancy Guidelines

Guidelines allowing RV’s to be temporarily used for housing.

Floodplain Insurance

Springfield participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Contact Us

Counter Hours 8 a.m. to noon, 1 – 4 p.m., Tuesdays through Fridays
Address 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon, 97477
Phone 541-726-3753
Fax 541-726-2309
Hours for Operations & Maintenance 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Address 201 S. 18th Street, Springfield Oregon, 97477
Phone 541-726-3761
Fax 541-726-3621
Building Inspection Line 541-726-3769
Business Licenses 541-726-3662
Community Development 541-726-3753
Comprehensive Planning 541-736-7135
Emergency Management 541-736-1026
Engineering 541-726-3753
Environmental Services 541-726-3694
Housing 541-736-1039/Fax 541-726-2309
Planning & Building Permits 541-726-3753/541-726-3759