Glenwood Refinement Plan

Development & Public Works

Glenwood is an approximately one square mile area abutted by I-5 on the west and south and the Willamette River on the east and north that lies between the City of Eugene and downtown Springfield. Glenwood has been under Springfield’s jurisdiction since 1999. Development in Glenwood is guided by the Glenwood Refinement Plan, originally adopted by Eugene in 1990, adopted by Springfield in 1999, and amended in 2005 along the Willamette Riverfront north of Franklin Boulevard. A general lack of urban services has restricted development, hindered redevelopment and constrained widespread improvement in the quality of life in Glenwood.

In 2008, the Springfield City Council initiated a phased project to update the Glenwood Refinement Plan to support and facilitate the redevelopment of Glenwood into an attractive place to live, work and visit.  Following an extensive citizen involvement process, the City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners approved a package of land use amendments for Phase I in 2012. The amendments were ultimately acknowledged by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development in 2014. The American Planning Association gave the Phase I Glenwood Refinement Plan a 2015 National Planning Excellence Award for Economic Planning and Development.

Contact Information

Molly Markarian, Senior Planner