
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Funding

HUD Funds

The City of Springfield uses Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to assist with affordable housing development, housing-related services, neighborhood revitalization, public improvements, and downtown redevelopment activities.  The primary purpose of the CDBG and HOME programs is to benefit low- and moderate-income persons.

Springfield’s CDBG program is planned and conducted so that each project or activity meets at least one of the three national CDBG program objectives: benefits low- and moderate income persons; prevents or eliminates slums and blight; and meets an urgent need posing a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community where other financial resources are not available. Springfield invests CDBG funds in the areas of children and youth, disabled and elderly, at-risk populations, support to social services, job creation, and housing assistance. The Eugene-Springfield HOME Consortium program is planned and conducted so that each project or activity provides decent, safe, and affordable housing for low-income and special needs populations.

Hayden Bridge Landing

Consolidated Plan

The Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan is a document that Eugene and Springfield must submit to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development to be eligible to receive federal housing and community development funds like CDBG and HOME.  This five-year strategic plan helps the Cities select the projects and activities they support with HUD funds. The Springfield CDBG One Year Action Plan identifies how the City will allocate CDBG funds to address community development and affordable housing needs to benefit low-income persons in the community. For comprehensive information regarding the Consolidated Plan, please visit the joint Consolidated Plan page on the City of Eugene’s website.

Aerial of Springfield from the Willamette River at Glenwood looking east