Report Stormwater Pollution

Development & Public Works

Clean water contributes to our quality of life. We rely on clean water for drinking water, economic success, recreation, and wildlife habitat. Stormwater runoff can contribute to a variety of pollutants that threaten our community’s waterways: heavy metals such as mercury, bacteria such as E. coli, and toxins like motor oil, just to name a few. To keep our waterways clean, we need to keep stormwater clean. The City of Springfield is working hard to protect water quality, but we need your help. If you see spills or illegal dumping, please contact us.

Report spills, illegal dumping and other water pollution


BUSINESS HOURS: contact Springfield’s Stormwater Team, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

AFTER HOURS: contact the Springfield Police Department’s Non-Emergency line

PLEASE INCLUDE: Location of pollution, type of incident (water pollution or illegal dumping), description of incident, if applicable the vehicle description and license plate, your information (name, phone, email), and if you’d like a follow up call or email.

See Springfield’s Municipal Code on illegal stormwater pollution, known as Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination (IDDE):

What Types of Discharges to the Storm Drain System are Prohibited vs Allowable?

Prohibited Discharges:

  • dumping yard debris into waterway
  • dumping liquids into storm drains (paints, soaps, chemicals, pesticides, auto fluids)
  • chlorinated swimming pool/hot tub draining
  • carpet cleaning
  • sanitary sewer overflows
  • washing down of loading areas
  • concrete cutting and washout
  • industrial wastewater
  • commericial carwash wastewater

Allowable Discharges:

  • residential car washing (using cold water and no soap)
  • fundraising carwashes (using cold water and no soap/the City provides Fish-Friendly Car Wash Kits to nonprofit groups to use for free!)
  • landscape irrigation
  • water line flushing
  • lawn watering
  • water flowing from riparian habitats and wetlands
  • dechlorinated swimming pool water

Indicators of Pollution:

  • corroded or stained pipes
  • suds and foamy water with fragrant smell
  • oil sheen
  • unusual water color
  • debris dumped in the waterway such as powdered concrete, trash, or yard debris

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