F.I.R.S.T. Response

Development & Public Works

The City’s Fast Incident Response & Solution Team (F.I.R.S.T.) is just a phone call away!

Our Committment to you….

When you request our help, we will call you back within 24 hours.Together, we will make a plan to best respond to your service needs.

How do I get assistance from FIRST Response?

FIRST will respond to calls during normal work hours (7 am – 3:30 pm) Monday through Friday. Call or email the Development & Public Works Department’s Operation Division at: 541.726.3761 or dpw@springfield-or.gov.

What if it’s after normal work hours?

  • We will respond to maintain vital services (drainage, wastewater, transportation).
  • Call the Police Department’s non-emergency line at: 541.726.3714.

What kind of problems?

  • plugged storm drains or wastewater lines
  • flooded streets
  • glass & debris on the roadway
  • damaged signs
  • signal outages
  • stranded motorist assistance
  • traffic control assistance

The FIRST program was created to provide a fast avenue for citizens to get in contact with City maintenance staff to resolve problems.

The Operations Division is responsible for this program and maintaining the following public infrastructure:

  • Streets – sweeping, patching, snow & ice control, removal of road hazards
  • Landscaping – planting and maintaining street trees
  • Traffic Controls – signals, signs, pavement markings
  • Wastewater Collections– maintenance of wastewater lines, repair of manholes, TVing lines
  • Stormwater Drainage – Surface and subsurface drainage: prevent flooding, maintain ditches, drainage canals, and maintain storm pipelines