Building Permits & Applications

Development & Public Works

Online Email In Person Homeowner Portal
On Oregon’s ePermitting site, you will be able to apply for permits, submit plans and applications, schedule inspections, and pay fees. The Using Oregon ePermitting page is a helpful resource. Any application may be emailed to permitcenter@springfield-or.gov at anytime.

Print and return complete applications to:


Development Center
225 5th St.
Tues. – Fri 8-12 & 1-4

Homeowners may initiate applications by uploading apps, plans, and docs through this portal.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Plans being submitted digitally are now required to adhere to our new submittal standards. These will allow review staff to process your permit more efficiently, and enable you to receive your permit quickly. ELECTRONIC PLAN SUBMITTAL STANDARDS

Do I need a permit? Brochure Series: Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Structural
FY25 Master Fees & Charges Schedule – January 1, 2025