Historic Commission

About the Commission

Established in 1977, the Springfield Historic Commission serves to advance the identification, protection, preservation, education, and interpretation of Springfield’s cultural heritage and history. As such, the Historic Commission organizes projects and programs to encourage stewardship of the community’s historic assets. The Historic Commission also reviews development and restoration requests for all properties within the Washburne Historic District and for all properties on Springfield’s Landmark Inventory.

The Historic Commission has five goals that guide its work:

  • Educate the community about and develop public support for historic preservation.
  • Understand Springfield’s historic resources by developing historic context statements and conducting historic research, historic resource surveys, and historic resource inventories.
  • Protect historic resources through City Landmark Inventory and National Register listings.
  • Encourage property owners to restore and maintain the City’s historic resources by developing incentive programs for property owners interested in preserving historic resources.
  • Maintain and strengthen the City’s historic preservation program in concert with the City’s planning and regulatory efforts.

Learn more about the new Springfield Heritage Awards Program.

Commission Meetings

The Historic Commission meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday, from 4:30pm-6:30pm. All meetings are open to the public. An opportunity is provided at the beginning of each meeting for general public comment. Additionally, time is allotted for property owners to discuss alterations they are contemplating for their historic properties.

For more information on our meetings and instructions on how to join us, please visit https://springfieldoregonspeaks.org/

Land Acknowledgment

Written by Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney – Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2019

Every community owes its existence and vitality to generations from around the world who contributed their hopes, dreams, and energy to making the history that led to this moment.  Some came here by choice from distant homes in hope of a better life, some were brought here against their will, and some have lived on this land for more generations than can be counted.  Trust and acknowledgement are critical to building mutual respect and connection across barriers.  

And so, we would like to begin by acknowledging that the land we are on, that we now call “Springfield,” is located within the traditional Indigenous homeland of the Kalapuya people.  The Kalapuya people have stewarded this land in Springfield, between two rivers, throughout generations, and I ask you to join me in acknowledging their elders both past and present, as well as future generations.  We acknowledge that the City of Springfield shares its history with the exclusion and erasure of many Indigenous peoples, including the Kalapuya and those who first inhabited land on which we are located.  

We express our respect for the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon and the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon, whose citizens include the descendants of the Kalapuya people.   

We also express our respect for the other federally-recognized Tribal Nations of Oregon, which include the Burns Paiute Tribe, the Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, the Coquille Indian Tribe, the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians, and the Klamath Tribes.  In addition, we express our respect for all other displaced Indigenous peoples who call Oregon home.

Staff Contacts

Tom Sievers  /  Office: 541.726.2333
Historic Commission Liaison & Senior Planner

Historic Commission General Email address: springfieldhistoriccommission@springfield-or.gov.

Historic Commission Roster

Springfield’s Historic Properties

Historic Review Process

Applicable Properties

Applicable Activities
Most exterior alterations and repairs, such as:

  • Additions, demolitions, or alterations to a building façade;
  • New construction of 1,000 square feet or more;
  • Construction, modification, or demolition of accessory structures;
  • Replacement of damaged exterior features;
  • Removal or radical trimming of large established trees or vegetation;
  • A change to a more intensive use (e.g. a change from a single family residence to a professional office);
  • Replacement of windows or doors.

Note: Painting and roofing do not require Historic Review.

Typical Historic Review Steps

  1. Request informal consultation with Historic Commission to discuss project ideas (optional).
  2. Consult planning staff (541-726-3753) to determine required Historic Review application type.
  3. Check the Springfield Historic Design Guidelines for project guidance.
  4. Prepare and submit Historic Review Application with applicable fees.
  5. City staff process application and issue staff report and decision.
  6. Proceed with project, including seeking building permit approval, if applicable.
  7. Submit photographs to City staff documenting the completed project.