The Community Development team prepares and manages the City’s Capital Improvements Program (CIP) and annual capital budget. This includes construction of new infrastructure and improvement, preservation, and rehabilitation of existing facilities, including, but not limited to, sewers, drainage, and streets. The Community Development team also administers or oversees the construction contracts for “Public Works” improvement projects, as well as consultant design contracts.
To ensure that services are available to undeveloped areas in the City, staff will plan and coordinate with developer’s and property owners for the extension of public works facilities. Designing the improvements begins after completion of property owner coordination and the funding source is identified. The staff administers the solicitation of bids for construction contracts, administers the contract through the course of the construction, and when construction is completed and final City inspection has occurred, presents the project to the City Council for acceptance of the project authorizing City maintenance and operation of the facilities.
The team also provides contract administration for large maintenance projects such as rehabilitation of sewer lines and providing engineering for solutions to drainage and wastewater problems.
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