Ever wanted to know more about Springfield, Oregon projects and efforts? Sign up to receive updates. Get timely information by selecting any topics that interest you.
- Affordable Housing – updates, news, and events related to the City’s affordable housing efforts.
- Beanstack – online reading program where you earn badges and prizes for completing reading goals and activities. For all ages.
- Development and Public Works Department Newsletter – quarterly newsletter for updates and news about Development and Public Works projects
- Development Code Update – receive periodic updates regarding Springfield’s Development Code Update project.
- Main Street – periodic updates, news and public notices related to the City’s efforts on Main Street improvements.
- Mill Street – receive news and updates about the Mill Street Reconstruction project.
- MWMC’s Water Wisdoms – clean water news with the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission’s monthly email.
- New Franklin Boulevard – periodic updates, news and public notices related to the City’s efforts to modernize Franklin Boulevard to improve traffic flow and travel safety.
- Spring Clean Up – annual updates including the upcoming event date for this free community event hosted by the City.
- Springfield Arts Commission – City Hall Gallery, Heritage Arts Grant, Commissioner openings and more.
- Springfield Connection – hear directly from the Springfield City Manager about our efforts.
- Springfield Public Library – learn more about what’s happening at your Library!
- Stream Team – volunteer opportunities to help keep Springfield’s waterways clean.
- West D Street – information regarding the West D Street Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvement Project.
- Wetlands & Riparian Areas – receive periodic updates regarding work related to Springfield’s natural areas including inventory and protection efforts.