Code Enforcement

Development & Public Works

To help maintain the public health and safety and livability of our community, the City Council has adopted laws and regulations over the years that promote a healthy, safe and pleasant environment. The City’s code enforcement staff investigates potential code violations and enforces the Springfield Municipal Code and Development Code. Our goal is to work with residents and property owners to resolve compliance situations before they reach the need for enforcement action.

Filing a Code Enforcement Complaint

Complaints regarding code enforcement issues may be filed online, by mail, or by telephone. Inquiries and questions may be sent to CodeEnforcement@springfield-or.gov. Code enforcement staff spends a large amount of time in the field, so the best time of day to reach staff is early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Voicemail is available at any time.

Submit a complaint online: Code Complaint Submission Form

Submit a complaint by mail: please fill out the Code Complaint Form and mail to City Hall C/O Code Enforcement, 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR

Submit a complaint by phone: 541-726-3680

Regardless of submission method, please be prepared with the following information:

  • The location of the problem, with street name and address.
  • A detailed description of the problem.
  • It is optional to provide your name, address, and phone number. This information is for code enforcement staff to contact you if more information is needed or to advise you of the results of the investigation.

    The City of Springfield commonly receives complaints which are not regulated by the Municipal, Development or Building Code(s).  If the complaint is not regulated by City Code, it may be civil in nature and the City of Springfield will not provide legal advice or guidance in civil disputes.  This includes disputes between neighbors, tenant landlord legal matters or Home Owner Associations Covenants and Restrictions.

    Code Enforcement Includes

    Other Code Violations

    Violation Contact
    Basketball poles/hoops and other obstructions of the City right-of-way Development and Public Works, Operations Division, 541-726-3761
    Vision clearance obstructions Development and Public Works, Operations Division, 541-726-3761
    Vegetation blocking sidewalks Development and Public Works, Operations Division, 541-726-3761
    Building safety violations Development and Public Works, Building Safety staff, 541-736-1029
    Noise Springfield Police Department, 541-726-3714
    Animals (domestic and farm) Springfield Police Animal Control, 541-726-3634
    Backyard burning – LRAPA Outdoor Burning Guide (Springfield, city limits and UGB, information on page 14) Eugene-Springfield Fire – Fire Marshall’s Office, 541-682-5411 or LRAPA, 541-736-1056 Main Office or 541-726-3976 Burning Advisory Line
    Nuisances within the urban growth boundary, but outside of city limits Lane County Code Compliance, 541-682-3724
    Environmental concerns Development and Public Works Department, Environmental Services staff, 541-726-3694