Natural Resource Inventories & Protections for Springfield’s UGB Expansion Areas

Development & Public Works


This project identifies and evaluates natural resources in Springfield’s urban growth boundary (UGB) expansion areas so the community and agency partners can determine which resources offer significant benefits and should be locally protected in compliance with Statewide Planning Goal 5. Future development within the 2019 UGB expansion areas relies on an understanding of the land’s existing characteristics—including its wetlands, riparian corridors, and wildlife habitat—to make informed decisions on where to locate. A combination of local funds and grant from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development support the project.

Hayden Bridge Landing


  • Promote a healthy, safe, and clean community by making wise use of natural resources.
  • Provide better understanding and certainty for property owners and developers by making development decisions streamlined and predictable.
  • Enable urbanization of Springfield’s designated employment areas by meeting State-mandated planning requirements based on Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 5 (Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces).
  • Identify ways to enhance Springfield’s work by addressing other Statewide Planning Goals: air, water, and land resources quality (Goal 6), natural hazards (Goal 7), recreation (Goal 8), and economic development (Goal 9).
  • Further Springfield’s conformance with the Springfield Comprehensive Plan.
Wetland Georgia Pacific Mill Race Study Area


October 2024: The City and Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) coordinated in summer 2024 to address remaining items for the draft Local Wetlands Inventory (LWI). Final LWI approval is anticipated for early 2025. In the meantime, the inventory of Goal 5 significant riparian corridors is complete (pending adoption), and work on the significant wildlife habitat component of Goal 5 continues. With a clearer timeline for LWI approval, the project team will finalize the inventory of significant wildlife habitats and determine appropriate protections in 2025. As we shift from completing scientific inventories to planning and policy, tasks ahead will also include:

  1. Updating Springfield’s Natural Resources Study for the wetland, riparian, and wildlife resources in the UGB expansion areas; and
  2. Packaging amendments to Springfield’s Comprehensive Plan and Development Code to recommend for City Council and Board of County Commissioner adoption.

Previous Progress
Interested in viewing project information that led us to this point? Earlier updates with links to old draft reports, materials for community outreach, and more are available here.

Wetland Georgia Pacific Mill Race Study Area

Meetings & Events

We aim to provide several opportunities to engage with this project based on our Community Engagement Plan. See below for what we are up to lately and click here to review past activities.

  • May 2, 2023: Planning Commission work session. Click here to view the materials and listen to the discussion.
  • May 22, 2023: City Council work session. Click here to view the materials and here to listen to the discussion.
Wetland Georgia Pacific Mill Race Study Area


Based on the results of the inventory and assessment work performed by our environmental consultants, City staff and the Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) will identify options for protection measures for consideration by the community, appointed officials, and elected officials. A set of recommended updates to the Springfield Natural Resources Study will follow, which will involve the City and Lane County co-adopting these changes.

The timeline below depicts the estimated schedule for the project as of October 2024.

Wetland Georgia Pacific Mill Race Study Area

Stay Informed & Involved

Contact Information

Project Manager
Molly Markarian, Senior Planner – se habla español