About the Springfield Arts Commission
The Springfield Arts Commission was established by the City Council in 1986 at the end of the Centennial Celebration. The Council charged the Commission to encourage the community’s emerging arts groups, and with the creation of the Art Alley, a series of outdoor murals in the downtown neighborhood.
The first Art Alley mural was a small one at 122 Fifth Street, titled It Ain’t Why, it Just Is, painted by artist Alan Cox in 1988. The second mural, at 130 5th Street, titled Bob the Dog Visits the Old Growth, was painted by John R. Swenson in 1989. Each artist was paid $50 and used materials provided by the Commission.
The Commission accomplishes their work through an active, nine-member volunteer citizen board, a modest annual budget, and part-time staff support.

2025 Meetings
- 1/10/2025: Agenda | December Minutes | SAC Roster | Budget Summary
2024 Meetings
- 1/9/2024: Agenda | December Minutes | Budget Summary | 2024 Calendar of Activities
- 1/12/2024: Agenda | January Minutes | Budget Summary
- 3/12/2024: Agenda | February Minutes | Budget Summary
- 4/9/2024: Agenda | March Minutes | Budget Summary
- 5/14/2024: Agenda | January Minutes | February Minutes | April Minutes | Budget Summary 2024
- 6/11/2024: Agenda | May Minutes | Budget Summary
- 8/14/2024: Public Art Subcommittee Agenda
- 9/24/2024: Agenda, Budget Summary
- 10/03/2024: Mayor’s Art Show Award Jury Special Meeting | Agenda | Scoring Process | Scoring Form
- 10/08/2024: Agenda | June Minutes | September Minutes | Budget Summary
- 11/12/2024: Agenda | October Minutes | Budget Summary
- 12/10/2024: Public Art Subcommittee Agenda
- 12/10/2024: Agenda | November Minutes | Budget Summary
City Hall Gallery & Youth Artist Gallery
Located on two walls just outside the entrance to the Springfield Library, City Hall Gallery and the Young Artists Gallery are seen by approximately 3,700 visitors each month. Since 1989, City Hall Gallery has featured monthly shows by regional artists chosen by the Springfield Arts Commission. The Commission issues a public call to artists each year. A new addition to City Hall, the Young Artists Gallery is the only year-round space in Springfield dedicated to showcasing the work of children and young adult artists. The Commission partners with youth-related organizations throughout Lane County to represent the diverse creativity of young people in our community.
2025 City Hall Gallery Exhibits:
- December/January: Mayor’s Art Show, SAC winners
- January/February: Helen Liu
- March: Twyla Bohrer
- April: Kenji Shimizu
- May: Peter Harris
- June: Gary Sinick (Suzanne Vinson)
- July: Keith Bennett
- August: Eliza Williams
- September: Gregory & McNevin Hayes
- October: Christina Larsen
- November: Leo White Horse
- December 2025 – January 2026: Mayor’s Art Show, SAC winners
Springfield Arts Commissioners
- Kieth Bennett
- Adam Gutierrez
- Jane Boggs
- Suzanne Vinson
- David Grimes, Secretary
- Leah Sowell
- Meredith Branch, Chair
- Dave Henderson
- Mindy Linder, City Staff Liaison
City Council Liaison: Beth Blackwell, Ward 4
Arts Commission Liaison: Mindy Linder, mlinder@springfield-or.gov, 541-744-3388
Mailing List
Please join our mailing list for updates on the Springfield Arts Commission’s work and opportunities, including City Hall Gallery calls to artists, Heritage Arts Grant announcements, Commissioner openings and more!