Traffic Control Maintenance
Traffic control maintenance and construction activities provide control devices that are visible, informative, and effective in promoting traffic safety among all modes of transportation to comply with State and National Standards. Traffic signals owned by the City and Oregon Department of Transportation are timed for safety and efficiency.
Construction and maintenance of traffic signs, traffic signals, and pavement markings are the primary activities of the Operations Division’s Traffic Control Maintenance and Construction program. This includes replacing traffic signal light bulbs, painting traffic signal fixtures, creating and installing street signs, painting and applying pavement markings, and maintaining the traffic signal communication components. This team also installs the annual holiday lights on light poles on Main Street and in Glenwood.
Providing traffic control for University of Oregon football games, festivals, parades, and other special events is another program activity. Along with maintaining the City’s school warning beacons and 39 traffic signals, the City has contracted with the State of Oregon to perform maintenance on 29 State traffic signals within the City limits.
For additional information please contact us at dpw@springfield-or.gov or by calling 541-726-3761.
Traffic Safety
Citizens frequently express their concerns regarding traffic speeds and pedestrian safety. It involves a joint effort between the residents and the City to improve traffic safety.
What can we do together to continuously improve safety?
Learn more about roundabouts – Roundabouts are being used more and more in transportation planning. Check out our Roundabouts instructional video. Visit our Roundabouts page to learn more about how to use them.
Check out our three instructional videos that provide step-by-step instructions on how to use Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon, Rapid Flashing Beacon, and Midblock and Unmarked Intersection crossings. In addition to these videos, an instructional card and pedestrian reflectors are available. Springfield residents can pick up one of each at City Hall.
Flashing yellow arrows (FYA) control several signalized intersections. The flashing yellow arrow allows drivers to turn left when there is an adequate gap in oncoming traffic. We plan to put more flashing yellow arrows in the future and citizen comments are encouraged and appreciated. Click here for an animated example.

Get involved – Be aware of road conditions, traffic patterns, and alternate routes to your destination. Be aware of the rules of the road as a pedestrian, bicyclist, or motorist. Talk with your neighbors about traffic safety. Be aware of existing conditions and notify the City when situations seem to create a problem. Think about ways in which these situations might be changed prior to contacting the City.
Maintaining the Roadway System – Report damaged sidewalk(s) or streets, as well as missing or old signs. The City has maintenance crews that will repair damages to the infrastructure. Keeping sidewalks clean and free of tripping hazards also reduces liabilities for property owners, who are responsible for maintaining sidewalks and driveway aprons next to their property. The City will notify the property owner if a damaged sidewalk is reported. Contact the Development & Public Works Maintenance Division at 541-726-3761 or email dpw@springfield-or.gov for more information.
Police Enforcement – To report specific traffic violations please contact the City Police Department at 541-726-3714.
Street Lighting – The City and the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) collaborate on maintaining street lights throughout the City. Below are Frequently Asked Questions to help find the best way to make a request for service.
Who do I contact if there is a street light out in my neighborhood?
Please contact SUB by filling out their online reporting form.
There are several street lights out on a street that I drive frequently, who do I contact to have them fixed?
Please contact SUB by filling out their online reporting form.
I would like to have a street light or two installed in my neighborhood, who do I contact to start the process?
Please fill out a Residential Streetlight Program Application and email to dpw@springfield-or.gov for consideration. Please note that currently there is no funding available for new lights. As funding becomes available requests will be based on public safety issues, installation costs, and neighborhood consensus.
Who do I contact about changing the yellow color of the street lights in my neighborhood?
The City of Springfield is working to replace all the yellow lights with LED lights in a large-scale project in late 2023. Read more information about the Citywide Streetlight LED Upgrade.
If your question can’t be answered from the above Frequently Asked Questions, contact the City at dpw@springfield-or.gov.

What can I do as a parent or grandparent?
Set a good example – Children often learn by watching and imitating their parents or grandparents. Your actions as a driver, pedestrian or bicyclist should always set a good example.
Do not encourage children to play in the street – Instead, encourage them to use their own yard, a neighbors yard, or a nearby park.
Instruct children in the proper way to cross the street – Teach your children or grandchildren this simple rhyme – “Stop, look and listen – before you cross the street. Use your eyes, use your ears, and then use your feet.”
What can I do as a driver?
Know and obey the speed limits – The most common concern expressed to the City is about speeding traffic in residential neighborhoods. The speed limit in residential districts is 25 mph. Some residential streets may have a posted speed limit greater than 25 mph due to the functional use of the street, the adjacent land use, the width of the street, or previous set speed limit based upon a speed zone investigation.
Watch for and yield to pedestrians in the roadway – Pedestrians are commonly present in residential neighborhoods. A pedestrian has the right-of-way in marked and unmarked crosswalks at an intersection as long as they have used due care for their safety.
Plan your trips – Combine your trips into a single trip with several destinations to reduce congestion and plan ahead so that you avoid the urge to drive fast.