P21183 Citywide Streetlight LED Upgrades

Development & Public Works

Updated 4/12/2024

Project Status:

Over 4,500 streetlights (most of Springfield’s streetlight system) have been upgraded, and the main efforts have shifted from simple light replacements to more complicated troubleshooting and repairs. The January 2024 ice storm caused damage to nearly 200 streetlights, most of which still need repaired. Most of these repairs will not be simple or quick. Many parts need to be ordered with many having very long lead times, so these repairs will take months to complete. We appreciate your patience as we work through these issues to get each light repaired to working order. If you notice lights that are not working, feel free to report them to SUB at 541-744-3726 or their online reporting form. Please know that if it’s storm related damage, we are likely already tracking the issue.

12/27/2023 update

Over 2,400 lights (almost half the system) has been upgraded. Much of the Harlow, Gateway, Mohawk, and Thurston areas have been completed. Crews are currently installing lights between 40th and Bob Straub Parkway. Work will continue through the holidays and into the new year. There are approximately 70 lights where power issues have been discovered, and repairs need to be made to make the lights operational. Some of these repairs are extensive and will take time to complete. Crews will begin working on repairs in the next one to two weeks.

11/13/2023 update

Construction continues mid-town between 5th and 19th (north of Hwy 126) and between 10th and 28th (south of Hwy 126). Approximately 450 lights have been upgraded. A faulty gateway was discovered in the Gateway/Harlow area, so the contractor hasn’t been able to start that area yet. We expect the current zone to be done in about two weeks, before shifting to the Gateway/Harlow area

10/30/2023 update

Construction is underway! The contractor installed gateways in October 2023 that connect each streetlight to the City’s system, enabling each one to be controlled remotely. The installers began installing a few fixtures and control nodes on L Street to gain familiarity with the processes specific to our project before moving to busier areas. Over the next few weeks, they will install fixtures on MLK Boulevard, Pioneer Parkway, and throughout the Gateway/Harlow area.

Project Description:

What is happening?

The City of Springfield has received funding for streetlight replacement throughout the City. All streetlights within Springfield that are not currently Light Emitting Diode (LED) fixtures will be converted to LED lighting. This lighting is up to 70% more energy-efficient, lasts 4-5 times longer, and allows for better control over light output. The funding was received from the American Recovery Plan Act that was passed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The City has been planning for streetlight replacement for several years of all 4,557 lights within the City with work being done in phases as money was available. Now that federal money has been provided for this project, we are beginning the work immediately.

What is the process for replacing streetlights?

The City has selected McKinstry to lead the project to replace the City’s streetlights. The process will begin in August 2022 with an audit of the existing streetlights. Staff will be counting and recording data of each streetlight in the City to verify the number of fixtures and equipment required to complete the project. McKinstry engineers will develop a design for the project including types of lights and additional fixtures required. Once the project design is approved then parts will be ordered. Installation is tentatively planned for the second half of 2023 and early 2024. The installer for this project is Riverline Power.

What is the schedule for replacing streetlights?

Auditors will be taking inventory of streetlights during the summer and fall 2022, construction is planned for the second half of 2023 and early 2024.

How will this affect me?

You may see installers around Springfield. This will include a boom truck, line workers, support vehicles, and traffic control devices. Most installations will require minimal traffic control, and in some locations (such as roundabouts) more extensive traffic control may be needed. We expect minimal disruption to normal traffic flow.

For more information please contact:

  • Brian Barnett, city traffic engineer or
  • Scott Miller, traffic operations engineer
  • 541-726-3761

Check out the before and after photos from a similar project in Sandy, Oregon. Photos provided by Cree Lighting.

See a comparison of some of the upgraded lights that were installed on Main Street as part of an emergency safety upgrade with the Oregon Department of Transportation.