Development & Enforcement

Development & Public Works

The Community Development Division (CMD) is responsible for the long term livability of the community within the Urban Growth Boundary and City Limits.  CMD staff implement the City’s Development Code, the statewide Building Safety Codes, and sections of the Springfield Municipal Code; develop and deliver engineering capital projects across the City’s infrastructure systems of streets, drainage, wastewater and buildings/facilities; complete long range land use and infrastructure plans required by state law and to support efficient and functional infrastructure systems; advance the City’s Housing Strategy and Community Development Block Grant and HOME investment partnership programs.  Our core functional areas are: Development Review, Land Development Engineering, Comprehensive Planning, Building Permits, Business Licenses, Capital Project Development and Delivery, and Survey. Division staff support the Planning Commission, Historic Commission, Community Development Advisory Committee, and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.

Start here for permits, applications, forms, plans, maps, and FAQs.

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