Springfield Development Code Update Project

The Springfield Development Code is the principal document that implements local, state, and federal land use, transportation, and environmental laws applicable in the City of Springfield. The City regularly updates the Code to comply with new requirements and to better respond to community needs.

Interested Parties

To receive email updates and notices about Springfield Development Code Updates, please sign up on our project email list.

Housing Opportunities in Non-Residential Areas – Underway

Project Purpose

The purpose of the Housing Opportunities in Non-Residential Areas Code Amendments is to update the Springfield Development Code to comply with recent state legislation and to allow and encourage the development of income-qualified housing. These amendments to the Springfield Development Code will encourage economic development and revitalization and will promote and enhance Springfield’s hometown feel while focusing on livability.

The project objectives are to:

  1. Ensure the City is complying with state law by amending the Springfield Development code to:
  • Expand opportunities for residential development in commercial areas by allowing income-qualified housing on lands zoned for commercial uses and allowing conversion of a building from commercial to residential use.
  • Allow manufactured dwelling parks serving households with incomes of up to 120 percent of the Area Median Income on certain non-residential lands.
  1. Change the use of the term “”affordable housing” to “income-qualified housing” in the Springfield Development Code. Clarify and improve integration of income-qualified housing-related language throughout applicable code sections (e.g., within use tables and cross reference appropriately, remove redundancy, update terms and definitions).
  1. Identify opportunities to address other Springfield Development Code barriers to income-qualified housing beyond compliance with recent legislation if the code changes are consistent with current local adopted policies and Springfield’s Housing Strategy.

Project Timeline

  • November 2023 — February 2024: Draft Code Language for Staff and Community Review
  • December 2023: Committee for Citizen Involvement approved the Community Involvement Strategy to the Committee for Citizen Involvement for Review and Approval
  • Winter 2024: Conduct Involvement Tactics and Refine Code based on Feedback
  • Spring – Summer 2024: Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission Joint Work Session, Public Hearing, and Recommendations
  • Fall 2024and Beyond: Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners Joint Work Session and Public Hearing Followed by Separate Deliberations and Adoption. Post-Adoption Implementation.

Project Documents & Resources

Additional project information and documents can be found at the following link:


Project Contact Information

City staff welcome all questions about the project. We are here to help you. Thank you!
Project Manager
Haley Campbell, Senior Planner

Springfield Development Code Amendments: Annexation – Underway

Project Purpose

Currently, Springfield Development Code 5.7.115 requires a City Council public hearing for annexations with an exception in one narrow context: “a single lot/parcel adjacent to the city limits and city services and not dividable by Partition or Subdivision.” However, existing code language throughout the Annexations Development Code section (SDC 5.7.100) is unclear about the initiation and review process, and most annexations involve a Council public hearing. Additionally, the reduction in minimum lot size during Phase 1 of the Development Code Update project make the clause: “not dividable by Partition or Subdivision” less applicable than before. For example, the recent Development Code changes reduced the minimum lot size from 4,500-5,000 square feet down to 3,000 square feet on most lots and even smaller for those created through the middle housing land division process. Staff will seek direction during the community outreach process on whether to continue to allow or expand instances when annexations would not require a public hearing.

The project objectives are to:

  1. Provide easy to understand code language presented in a clear and user-friendly format.
  2. Provide a straightforward initiation and review path for annexations.
  3. Enable efficient review of annexation applications, which includes a discussion on whether to continue to allow or expand instances when annexation would not require a public hearing.

Project Timeline

  • November 2023 – February 2024:Draft Code Language for Staff and Community Review
  • January 2024: Take the Community Involvement Strategy to the Committee for Citizen Involvement for Review and Approval
  • Winter 2024: Conduct Involvement Tactics and Refine Code based on Feedback
  • Spring – Summer 2024: Springfield Planning Commission Work Session, Public Hearing, and Recommendation
  • Fall 2024 and Beyond: Springfield City Council Work Session and Public Hearing Followed by Deliberation and Adoption. Post-Adoption Implementation.

Project Documents & Resources

Additional project information and documents can be found at the following link:   


Project Contact Information

City staff welcome all questions about the project. We are here to help you. Thank you!
Project Manager
Haley Campbell, Senior Planner

Stormwater Post-Construction Requirements Update – Completed

Project Purpose

The purpose of the Post-Construction Requirements Update Project was to amend the Springfield Development Code to comply with Oregon DEQ’s requirements of the City, including requirements to manage post-construction site runoff and minimize barriers to low impact development and green infrastructure under the City’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit. The permit regulates pollution from stormwater released to surface water, including the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers. These amendments allow and encourage the use of stormwater treatment facilities including swales, rain gardens, and pervious pavements and strengthen requirements that address stormwater quality issues and improve the quality of water in the City’s drinking water protection areas.

Adoption of Amendments

The Springfield City Council and Board of County Commissioners co-adopted the amendments in November and December 2023, respectively. The amendments took effect on January 8th, 2024.

Project Documents & Resources

The adopted ordinance for the amendments to the code (Ordinance No. 6464) and to the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures manual (EDSPM) can be found at the following links and below:

\City Managers Office\Public Information\City Council\Ordinances\2023\Ordinance No. 6464

\City Managers Office\Public Information\City Council\Resolutions\2023\Resolution 2023-36

Parking Regulation under Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities –Completed

Project Purpose

In March 2020, Governor Kate Brown issued Executive Order 20-04 directing state agencies to take actions to reduce and regulate greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change. In response, the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission adopted the Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) permanent rules on July 21st, 2022, with clarifying amendments on November 2nd, 2023.

The project implemented the parking component of a state mandate consisting of prescriptive rules with little room for flexibility. The Springfield City Council directed staff to remove off-street vehicle parking requirements from the Springfield Development Code, however, this does not preclude property owners from providing on-site parking voluntary for new developments. The code amendments generally maintain existing parking development standards, e.g., landscaping, property access from the right of way, stormwater treatment, paving requirements, etc., when parking is voluntarily provided while amending those standards as required by the CFEC rules.

Adoption of Amendments

The Springfield City Council and the Lane County Board Commissioners co-adopted the amendments in November and December 2023, respectively. The amendments took effect on January 8th, 2024.

Project Documents & Resources

The adopted ordinance for the amendments (Ordinance No. 6464) can be found at the following link:
\City Managers Office\Public Information\City Council\Ordinances\2023\Ordinance No. 6465

Springfield Development Code- Minor Amendments- Completed

Project Purpose

The City of Springfield made amendments to the Springfield Development Code for minor changes to correct errors and provide clarification on code language that was adopted as part of the 2022 Development Code update Project (see below). These changes mostly correct missed internal code citations and references, typographical errors, and updating naming conventions that were previously missed.

Adoption of Amendments

The Springfield City Council and Board of County Commissioners co-adopted the amendments in November and December, respectively. The amendments took effect on January 8th, 2024.

Project Documents & Resources

The adopted ordinance for the amendments (Ordinance No. 6466) can be found at the following link:
\City Managers Office\Public Information\City Council\Ordinances\2023\Ordinance No. 6466

    Springfield Development Code Update Project – Phases 1 and 2 Completed

    Project Purpose

    The Purpose of the Development Code Update Project was to change the Springfield Development Code to support efficient, timely, and clear development review.  The updated Development Code will support Springfield’s economic development priorities and will honor Springfield’s hometown feel now and in the future.

    Phase 1 – Housing

    This phase included code amendments focused on residential land uses.  It included allowing Middle Housing on residentially zoned lots that allow single-unit dwellings as required by Oregon House Bill 2001 passed, in 2019. Middle Housing is defined as duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, townhomes, and cottage clusters.

    Phase 2 – Employment Lands:

    Along with completing Phase 1 for housing, the City completed Phase 2 of the project to update the code related to employment lands (commercial/industrial). These amendments included revised code sections for Site Plan Review, Minimum Development Standards, Infrastructure Standards, and Development Standards.

    Adoption of Phases 1 and 2

    The Springfield City Council and Board of County Commissioners held a joint public hearing on the proposed code amendments for Phases 1 and 2 on April 25, 2022. The Council adopted the amendments on May 16, 2022, and the Board of County Commissioners adopted them on June 7, 2022. The adopted ordinance for the amendments (Ordinance No. 6443) can be found at the following link: http://laserfiche.springfield-or.gov/weblink/0/doc/4158497/Page1.aspx

    Phase 3 – Other Sections of the Code

    The last phase of the development code update would amend sections such as Annexations and Land Divisions. Implementation of this phase will occur as staff resources allow.