Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual

In all cities the public right-of-way and public easements are special areas created for public transportation and for placement of storm and sanitary sewer systems and other utilities such as telephone, water and gas. All physical aspects of public infrastructure within the right-of-way and easements should be designed for public safety, efficient operation, and cost effective maintenance.

This document contains design standards and procedures that are meant to establish, clarify and assist both City staff and private engineers in creating safe, efficient, and cost-effective street, drainage and sanitary sewer projects for the City of Springfield. These standards and procedures will apply to both new construction and reconstruction, except where design standards cannot be properly applied because of unique situations. Limited width available right-of-way, for instance, could elicit a less than standard street width. Unmovable trees or buildings that encroach too close to the public facility may warrant a deviation from the design standard. Under circumstances such as these, some flexibility may be necessary to create a design that remains sensitive to the specific needs and character of an existing neighborhood or physical limitations.

This Design Manual also provides standards of practice for stormwater quality improvement which are required as a condition of development prior to discharge to the City’s stormwater management system. Although these activities will normally take place outside of the public right-of-way or public easements, the design standards are provided here to guide developers regarding acceptable stormwater treatments and management practices that will allow the City to accept stormwater drainage from developing private property.

This Design Manual is an attempt to state the City’s design requirements in a clear manner, and the City staff who worked on this project have attempted to eliminate contradictions and errors in this document. However, in all cases, and notwithstanding any contrary language contained in sections of this manual, the City reserves the right to impose more restrictive or different design standards than those contained in this manual on a case-by-case basis, to any public works’ design within the City’s planning jurisdiction.

Those Chapters that are marked with an asterisk (*) were revised and adopted

by the City of Springfield City Council on November 20, 2023.

Section I Design Standard
Chapter 1.00 * Streets and Sidewalks
Appendix 1A Appendix 1A: Glenwood Riverfront Street Cross-Section Standards
**Effective May 21, 2018 Appendix 1A has been moved to the Development Code **
Chapter 2.00 Sanitary Sewers and Pump Stations
Chapter 3.00 * Reserved For Future Use
**Effective November 20, 2023 Chapter 3 and related appendices  have been moved to the Development Code**
Chapter 4.00 * Stormwater Capacity
Appendix 4A * Stormwater Subsurface Facility Spreadsheet
Appendix 4B * Stormwater Surface Facility Sizing Spreadsheet
Appendix 4C * Stormwater Management Simplified Method
Chapter 5.00 * Traffic Standards
Appendix 5A Appendix 5A: Intersection Control Checklist
Chapter 6.00 Landscape Vegetation
Appendix 6A Appendix 6A: Approved Street Tree List
Appendix 6B Appendix 6B: Approved Vegetation List
Drawing 2.1 Drawing 2.1: Street Tree Location
Drawing 2.2 Drawing 2.2: Street Tree Installation
Chapter 7.00 Hillside Development
Chapter 8.00 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Design
Appendix 8A Appendix 8A: Oregon Department of Environmental Quality General Permit 1200-C
Appendix 8B Appendix 8B: Oregon Department of Environmental Quality General Permit 1200-CN
Section II Drafting Standards
Chapter 9.00 Drafting Standards
Chapter 10.00 Electronic Acceptance Standards
Section III Procedures
Chapter 11.00 Pre-Design
Chapter 12.00 * Public Improvement Permit Projects
Forms referenced in Chapter 12 are available at the following link: Engineering & Construction Resources.
Chapter 13.00 Reserved For Future Use