System Development Charges (SDCs)

Development & Public Works

System Development Charges (or SDCs) are charges imposed on development so that government may accumulate the capital needed to provide sufficient capacity in infrastructure systems to accommodate the development. The City of Springfield imposes systems development charges for transportation, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage infrastructure. Beginning in late 2008, City of Springfield began a comprehensive review of the three existing SDC System Methodologies.  This review has been completed and the links below denote the adopted methodologies for Transportation, Local Wastewater, and Stormwater SDCs.

In addition to City charges, the City collects charges for regional wastewater treatment (Regional SDC Methodology, Regional Wastewater SDCs) on the basis of recommendations of the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission. At the May 2018 Commission meeting, Resolution 18-09 was approved to add a line item for small homes which decreases the Regional Wastewater SDCs for newly constructed dwelling units that are 800 square feet of less. The rest of the methodology will remain unchanged. This addition became effective on October 15, 2018 with approval by the Springfield City Council.

The City also collects charges imposed by the Willamalane Park and Recreation District.

calculator and building plans
  • TRANSPORTATION SDCs:  The existing methodology for the Transportation SDCs was not changed during the recent review however; the project list was revised and updated to reflect the most recent additions and/or completion of projects to date.  A link to this methodology can be found below. View current project list.
  • LOCAL WASTEWATER SDCs:  A new methodology for Local Wastewater was adopted by City Council on 06/01/2009.  Additionally, a new Local Wastewater Project List was adopted and reflects the most recent additions and/or completions in conjunction with the adopted 2008 Local Wastewater Master Plan.  A link to this methodology can be found below.
  • STORMWATER SDCs:  A new methodology for Stormwater SDCs was adopted by City Council on 07/20/2009.  Along with this new methodology, the Stormwater SDC Project List was adopted by City Council on 07/22/2009 and reflected the most recent additions / completions in conjunction with the adopted 2008 Stormwater Facilities Master Plan.  A link to this methodology can be found below.

To review any of the three system methodologies listed above, please click on the following links:

For more information on SDC calculations, please select the SDC Fact Sheet below. Additional information may be found in the City’s Master Fees and Charge Schedule. If you have questions, please contact the City’s SDC coordinator, Clayton McEachern, at 541.736.1036.

SDC Waiver Programs

The City is temporarily offering SDC waivers for certain types of development:

  • Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) – Learn more here (for City SDCs only)
  • Affordable Homeownership Housing – Learn more here (for City SDCs only)

The Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) administers an SDC waiver in Glenwood and in the Downtown Urban Renewal District. For more information contact Steve Petersen, spetersen@springfield-or.gov or 541.726.3664.

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