Clean Water University

Development & Public Works

The City of SpringfieldCity of Eugene, and Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) are proud to offer the Clean Water University program to 5th grade classes in the Eugene-Springfield area free of charge.

2024-2025 School Year

We are excited to announce that this year’s in-person field trip will be October 1, 2 and 3, 2024! Plus, we are continuing to offer our virtual curriculum. Regardless of how students participate, the overarching goal of the program remains the same: to teach students about the importance of clean water.

For questions or if you’re interested in learning more about Clean Water University, email or call 541-726-3684.

Lessons & Materials

Each of the lessons is outlined in detail in the 2024-2025 Clean Water University Teachers Guide, including an overview of the lesson with key learning outcomes, key words, teaching points, and procedures/materials. The Teachers’ Guide also includes details about the Incentive Program being offered this year for participating schools/classes.

Additionally, the videos, handouts, and other materials associated with each lesson are linked below under the corresponding header.

Lesson 5: Wastewater Treatment

Lesson 7: Pollution Prevention

Lesson 9: Wrap-Up Jeopardy Game

Clean Water University Testimonials

“I thought at first that these weren’t important in life. But now that I know everything, it’s actually pretty exciting! I love CWU! Grade for CWU: A++ and so on!” –Kai, Thurston Elementary

“My favorite lesson was when we got to look at the aquatic macroinvertebrates. I know that mayfly larva have three tails and that they breath through their gills. Another thing I learned was that water needs to be clean for fish to breath.” –Ashley, Moffitt Elementary