Project Status:
Design is in progress.
Project Overview:
Virginia Avenue and Daisy Street have been identified for street design changes to provide a safe and comfortable bicycle corridor that can be used by people of all ages and abilities. The intersection at 42nd and Daisy has been identified as in need of safety improvements and traffic calming.
A compact roundabout would create slow circulation speeds through the intersection for all street approaches and greatly improve the safety of the intersection compared to existing conditions. Bicyclists can continue through the roundabout taking the travel lane, or may exit the roadway and use the crosswalk as a pedestrian.
Roundabouts improve intersection safety by eliminating head-on, right angle, and left-turning crashes as well as encouraging slower speeds. They also improve pedestrian safety by offering two simple crossings of one-way traffic moving at much slower speeds.
The roundabout could also incorporate stormwater treatment to aid in controlling flooding, treat stormwater, and recharging ground water.
Additional Information
Postcard mailed to surrounding addresses August 2023.