Natural Resource Inventories & Protections for Springfield’s UGB Expansion Areas – Project Archive

Development & Public Works

Previous Updates

April 10, 2023: 
In October 2022 our environmental consultants submitted a revised Local Wetlands Inventory report to the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) based on DSL’s preliminary review comments. We anticipate DSL review of the updated LWI this spring. Our consultants also recently completed the remaining pieces needed for the riparian inventory and prepared a preliminary inventory of wildlife habitat. In consultation with Oregon Department of Wildlife, the Lane Council of Governments will use the information from this inventory work to determine significant habitat sites and identify possible protection measures. We updated Planning Commission and City Council on the project this spring. Check out the Meetings & Events content below for more about what we presented to and heard from the Planning Commission and Council.

April 1, 2022:
The Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development has awarded Springfield a grant for this project! The grant will allow us to continue working with our project partners and to expand the project by looking at wildlife habitat and identifying Water Quality Limited Watercourses in UGB expansion areas. To reflect this expanded project scope, we have updated the project title to Natural Resource Inventories & Protections for Springfield’s UGB Expansion Areas.

Springfield’s draft wetland and riparian inventory report is in review by the Oregon Department of State Lands. Next, Springfield will make any revisions needed for approval regarding local wetlands, which we estimate will come later this year.

August 18, 2021:
The project team closely reviewed the feedback we received in February on the draft inventory report by SummitWest and Terra Science. Click here for a summary of the feedback we heard through our survey. Following report revisions to incorporate feedback in response to our questions to project stakeholders about whether the locations and descriptions of the resources looked accurate, the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) received the updated draft of the report at the end of May 2021 for review. (This updated draft is a large file and may take a while to download.) We estimate DSL approval this winter.

February 9, 2021:
With our official comment period on the first draft of the inventory report now closed, we want to express a big thank you to everyone who took time to understand more about the project and to those who provided input! Your phone calls, e-mails, virtual meetings, and survey responses added value to this work. One next step will involve the project team’s review of the feedback we heard to consider edits to draft report. We also look forward to sharing a forthcoming summary of what we heard from the 45 people who responded to the survey. You can still review the materials below (note: the links to the report will be to the same draft version that was available between January 15th and February 8th):

June 23, 2020:

  • Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) Approves CommunityEngagement Plan: The Springfield Planning Commission in its role as the Springfield CCI held a Special Session on April 21, 2020 to review and provide direction on a draft of the Community Engagement Plan (CEP). A presentation accompanied this Session, and staff updated the CEP based on the CCI’s input.
  • Project Team Holds Online Information Session: The original plan was to provide an opportunity for property owners in the UGB expansion areas and staff to meet in-person to discuss the project. With COVID-19 precautions in mind, this meeting changed to a virtual format. See the Meetings & Events section below for more information.
  • Consultant Comes on Board & Begins Inventory: The City received several, thoughtfully prepared proposals from environmental consultants interested in completing the inventory phase of the project. The project team is pleased to announce SummitWest Environmental, together with Terra Science, as members of the project team. SummitWest and Terra Science have completed the initial field work for the inventory and will begin evaluating the resources they found to inform future written reports (Task 2 of the project timeline).

April 9, 2020:
A Request for Proposals from qualified wetland consultant firms was issued in March, 2020. Bids were opened on April 9th, 2020 and are being evaluated. The City hopes to have a qualified consultant secured in May to allow field work for the inventory to begin promptly.

Please check back for ongoing project updates.

Previous Meetings & Events

Date Event Summary
December 15, 2020 The Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement approved the proposed revisions to the Community Engagement Plan (CEP). Learn more about this meeting on the City’s Planning Commission webpage and at Springfield Oregon Speaks, and see the current CEP under Project Documents below.
May 14, 2020 The project team invited owners of properties in the UGB expansion areas to talk more about properties of interest and about the work ahead. Participants had the option to view a presentation screen and interact with others by tuning in remotely from a computer and/or phone and the option to do so at City Hall while practicing physical distancing. This meeting was recorded.
April 21, 2020 The City drafted a Community Engagement Plan, which the Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement is scheduled to review and potentially approve. Learn more about this meeting on the City’s Planning Commission webpage.

Background Documents & Resources