By The Numbers – Thursday, Feb. 29

By The Numbers – City of Springfield – as of Thursday, Feb. 29

Here’s a snapshot of our City’s response and recovery efforts since the January ice storm. We refreshed this “By the Numbers” weekly in February. You can view it and other storm information at

The storm hit Springfield harder than most cities in Oregon. Even with preparation, the damage was worse than expected and unlike anything we’ve experienced. The storm affected each of us differently but one thing was for certain: we were all in it together and helping one another.

Thank you for the outpourings of support as we work hard to clean up or repair streets, City trees, streets lights, and signs. As we recover, we are also collecting and analyzing data to further prepare for future natural disasters.

Find the City of Springfield’s storm-related information at:

February 29, 2024:

2024 Ice Storm Recovery Springfield

February 22, 2024:

Springfield City ice storm recovery

February 15, 2024:

February 9, 2024: