City Budget Adoption Process Kicks Off Next Week

The City of Springfield Budget adoption process kicks off with the first meeting of the City of Springfield Budget Committee on May 13, 2024. Additionally, the Springfield Economic Development Agency Budget Committee will be held on May 15, 2024.

These public meetings to discuss the budget for fiscal year July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, will be held both in-person at the Springfield City Hall in the Library Meeting Room, 225 5th Street in Springfield, and remotely via Zoom Webinar.

The purpose of the meetings is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the public on the budget. Virtual accommodations are available to allow for community participation.

Meeting Dates and Agenda Topics

City of Springfield Budget Committee:

  • 5:30 p.m. on Monday, May 13, 2024: Election of Officers, Welcome from City Manager, Presentation of Proposed Budget, Business from the Audience.
  • 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14, 2024: Business from the Audience, Budget Committee Deliberation.
  • 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, 2024: Business from the Audience, Budget Committee Deliberation.

Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) Budget Committee:

  • 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, 2024: Presentation of the SEDA Budget, Business from the Audience, SEDA Board Deliberation.

More information about these meetings is available at

A copy of the budget document and other budget materials are available at

Budget presentations are available at Springfield Oregon FY25 Budget Meetings & Presentations – YouTube

Meeting Access

Virtual Attendance

*Registration Required*

Attend from your computer, tablet, or smartphone:

Zoom Webinar

Meeting ID: 893 8926 9299


To dial in using your phone in Listen Only Mode:

Dial 1 (971) 247-1195

Toll Free 1 (877) 853-5247

Oregon Relay/TTY: 711 or 800-735-1232

How to Access the Proposed Budget

A copy of the budget document may be inspected online at or obtained by mail on or after April 29, 2024, via email request to or phone request via phone message to 541-736-1032, Oregon Relay/TTY: 711 or 800-735-1232. To request a reasonable accommodation at these meeting, please contact Jessica Mumme, 541.736.1032, Relay: 711, at least 3 business days before.


Comments are normally scheduled under the agenda item “Business from the Audience” and are limited to three (3) minutes each. Multiple options will be provided for the public to ask questions and comment on the budget. Below are the methods which will be provided.

  1. Using Zoom Webinar participation functionality

Zoom Webinar software provides functionality for the organizer to allow attendees to speak during the meeting, provided the attendee is utilizing a computer or tablet with a microphone. During Business from the Audience, the meeting organizer will look for attendees to ‘raise their hand’ and will then unmute the attendees’ microphone, allowing them to provide comment or ask a question.

  1. Written email comment in advance of the meeting

Written comment may be received via email sent to through 3 p.m. the day of the Budget Committee meetings. Written comment will be read by staff during the business from the audience section of the Budget Committee meeting and will be given a three-minute time limit per submission. Responses must list the name and Ward of the individual providing the comment.

  1. Written comment provided by regular mail

Members of the public may send written comment by regular mail to: Finance Department, Attn: Jessica Mumme, City of Springfield, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477. Written comment will be read by staff during the business from the audience section of the Budget Committee meeting and will be given a three-minute time limit per submission. Responses must list the name and Ward of the individual providing the comment. In order for comment to be submitted items must be received by 3:00 p.m. on May 15, 2024.

  1. Attend and provide comment in person at City Hall

Members of the public may sign up to provide oral comments in person during the public comment period of the meeting.


The Budget Committee reviews the City’s financial plans, including the annual budget. The 12-member committee is comprised of the six elected City Councilors and six members from the community. Appointed by the City Council, each of the committee’s six community members must live in the ward they represent. Meetings are typically held in May, but the committee may also meet on an “as needed” basis.

SEDA Budget Committee is comprised of the 12 members of the City of Springfield’s Budget Committee, Mayor Sean VanGordon, Lane County Commissioner David Loveall, and a representative from Glenwood and Downtown Springfield, Oregon. Appointed by the City Council, each representative must own a business or live within the Glenwood or the downtown area. Meetings are typically held between April and June. The committee may also meet on an “as needed” basis.

For more information, contact Jessica Mumme at 541.736.1032 or