City and its TEAM Springfield partners ready for winter weather

The City of Springfield and its Team Springfield partners Springfield Public Schools, Springfield Utility Board, and Willamalane Park and Recreation District are ready for winter weather. With snow in the Cascades and cooler temperatures forecasted for the Eugene-Springfield area, the City and its partners have been preparing and are ready for colder conditions.

The City has prepped by ensuring equipment is in good working order such as sharpening chain saws, loading sander boxes on snowplows, and conducting winter weather equipment trainings for the Operations Division staff. City Operations staff will be on-call for possible 24 hour shifts to apply sand in the event of snow or freezing rain and to remove downed trees from roadways.

We are monitoring weather forecasts and if sanding is needed, the City will make hospital entrances, main arterial streets and intersections, residential streets on hills and steep slopes a priority. Community members can view the City’s snow and ice priorities map at https://bit.ly/SnowIcePrioritiesMap.

We ask that asks drivers to use caution and consider their speed when driving during all weather conditions but even more so during snow and freezing rain events. Road conditions can vary on City streets and drivers should give plenty of space between them and the vehicle ahead to allow for stopping.

If community members need to warm up, find out about school closures or to report a power outage, they can visit the following websites.

For warming up:

Springfield City Hall at 225 5th Street

Mondays: 8 am – 7 pm; closed on January 15 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day (MLK Day)
Tuesdays: 8 am – 7 pm
Wednesdays: 8 am – 6 pm
Thursdays: 8 am – 7 pm
Fridays: 8 am – 5 pm
Saturdays: 10 am – 3 pm
Sundays: Closed

Any changes will be posted the City’s website at springfield-or.gov.

Willamalane Park and Recreation District during open hours by facility:

Bob Keefer Center at 250 S 32nd Street

Monday-Friday: 7 am – 9 pm
Saturday: 8 am – 5 pm
Sunday: 12 – 5 pm

Splash! at Lively Park at 6100 Thurston Road

January Hours
Monday: 4:30 – 6:30 pm; waterpark swim will be open from 1 – 5 pm on January 15 for MLK Day
Wednesday: 4:30 – 6:30 pm
Friday: 4:30 – 6:30 pm
Saturday: 1 – 5 pm
Sunday: 1 – 5 pm

Willamalane Adult Activity Center at 215 W C Street

Monday-Friday: 8 am – 4 pm; closed on January 15 in observance of MLK Day
Saturday-Sunday: Closed

Willamalane Park Swim Center at 1276 G Street

Monday-Friday: 6 am – 9 pm; closed on January 15 in observance of MLK Day
Saturday-Sunday: Closed

Any changes will be posted to Willamalane’s website at willamalane.org/alerts.

The City and its Team Springfield partners encourage community members to share this information with their neighbors, and friends and family that live in Springfield. Additionally, to have an emergency preparedness kit in their home and vehicle. If you already have one or more, check supplies for expiration dates and replace as needed. Visit http://bit.ly/StaySafeSpfld for more information and tips on emergency preparedness.