Transportation System Plan
Transportation System Plan – Adopted 2014, Updated 2020
The City of Springfield adopted the Springfield Transportation Plan (TSP) in July 2014. The City updated the plan in 2020 as part of the TSP Implementation Project (see information and ordinances below). The 20-year plan looks at how the transportation system is currently being used and identifies the community’s multi-modal transportation system vision in order to serve the needs of residents, businesses, and visitors into the future.
- Transportation System Plan – All Projects Map (reference only)
- Executive Summary of the Transportation System Plan (PDF, 205KB)
- Volume 1, Springfield Transportation System Plan (PDF, 15.9MB) – updated April 30, 2021 to correct scrivener’s error on Figures 7 and 10
- Volume 2, Appendix I, II, and III: Plan Implementation and Recommended Ordinance/Code Language; Detailed Cost Estimates and Funding Analyses; and TSP Projects on Lane County Facilities (PDF, 2.5 MB) – updated for consistency with Ordinance 6413 amendments adopted in 2020
- Volume 3, Appendix A: Plans and Policies Review (PDF, 469KB)
- Volume 3, Appendix B: Existing Conditions Inventory and Analyses (PDF, 5.55MB)
- Volume 3, Appendix C: No Build Analyses (PDF, 1.24MB)
- Volume 3, Appendix D: 20-year Needs Analyses (PDF, 9.31MB)
- Volume 3, Appendix E: Alternatives Evaluation Process (PDF, 191KB)
- Volume 3, Appendix F: Metro Plan Map, 2010 (PDF, 350KB)
Adopted TSP Implementation Project Ordinances
The Transportation System Plan (TSP) Implementation Project was adopted in early 2020. The project updated transportation related elements of the Springfield Development Code and updated the TSP project list and maps to help further implement the transportation policies and actions adopted in the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan (see Chapter 2: Goals and Policies here).
Have Questions?
Read Frequently Asked Questions
Springfield Development Code Amendments – Ordinance No. 6412
- Exhibit A: Springfield Development Code (SDC) Amendments
- Exhibit B: Staff Report and Findings
- Exhibit C: Legislative SDC Amendments with Findings
Transportation System Plan Amendments – Ordinance No. 6413
- Exhibit A: Springfield TSP Project List and Figures
- Exhibit B: Staff Report and Findings
- Exhibit C: TSP Project List and Figures – updates noted
- Exhibit D: TSP Vol. 2, Appendix II – Revised Detail Cost Estimates
If you have questions or an idea regarding Springfield’s Transportation Planning, please contact Sandy Belson at 541.736.7135 or email her at
Transportation System Plan
Transportation System Plan – Adopted 2014, Updated 2020
The City of Springfield adopted the Springfield Transportation Plan (TSP) in July 2014. The City updated the plan in 2020 as part of the TSP Implementation Project (see information and ordinances below). The 20-year plan looks at how the transportation system is currently being used and identifies the community’s multi-modal transportation system vision in order to serve the needs of residents, businesses, and visitors into the future.
- Executive Summary of the Transportation System Plan (PDF, 205KB)
- Volume 1, Springfield Transportation System Plan (PDF, 3.77MB)
- Volume 2, Appendix I, II, and III: Plan Implementation and Recommended Ordinance/Code Language; Detailed Cost Estimates and Funding Analyses; and TSP Projects on Lane County Facilities (PDF, 1.61MB)
- Volume 3, Appendix A: Plans and Policies Review (PDF, 469KB)
- Volume 3, Appendix B: Existing Conditions Inventory and Analyses (PDF, 5.55MB)
- Volume 3, Appendix C: No Build Analyses (PDF, 1.24MB)
- Volume 3, Appendix D: 20-year Needs Analyses (PDF, 9.31MB)
- Volume 3, Appendix E: Alternatives Evaluation Process (PDF, 191KB)
- Volume 3, Appendix F: Metro Plan Map, 2010 (PDF, 350KB)
Adopted TSP Implementaion Project Ordinances
The Transportation System Plan (TSP) Implementation Project was adopted in early 2020. The project updated transportation related elements of the Springfield Development Code and updated the TSP project list and maps to help further implement the transportation policies and actions adopted in the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan (see Chapter 2: Goals and Policies here).
Have Questions?
Read Frequently Asked Questions
Springfield Development Code Amendments – Ordinance No. 6412
- Exhibit A: Springfield Development Code (SDC) Amendments
- Exhibit B: Staff Report and Findings
- Exhibit C: Legislative SDC Amendments with Findings
Transportation System Plan Amendments – Ordinance No. 6413
- Exhibit A: Springfield TSP Project List and Figures
- Exhibit B: Staff Report and Findings
- Exhibit C: TSP Project List and Figures – updates noted
- Exhibit D: TSP Vol. 2, Appendix II – Revised Detail Cost Estimates
If you have questions or an idea regarding Springfield’s Transportation Planning, please contact Emma Newman, Senior Transportation Planner, at 541.726.4585 or email her at