WHEREAS: human trafficking is modern day slavery and claims millions of victims worldwide, with global profits of approximately $150 billion, and;

WHEREAS: the Interstate 5 corridor bisecting the Eugene/Springfield, Oregon metropolitan area is a significant, active corridor for human trafficking as described and recognized by local subject matter experts from the fields of victims’ services, social services, law enforcement and legal justice that are currently engaged in combatting this trafficking activity, and;

WHEREAS: anyone can become a trafficking victim.  Victims and survivors come from every background, race, gender, sexual orientation and economic status.  The common denominator for victims is personal vulnerability due to factors such as an unstable home, lack of resources, and social isolation, and;

WHEREAS: local officials and organizations in Springfield, Oregon are involved in far-reaching work to prevent local trafficking through coordinated efforts to raise awareness of trafficking and provide ongoing education and information on local trafficking that will prevent and eliminate human trafficking

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mayor Sean Van Gordon, do hereby recognize January 2022 as Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month.

Be it further noted that the City of Springfield Oregon, proclaims its support for all local efforts to inform our businesses and citizens about the scourge of human trafficking and to engage in activities that will lead to the reporting to local officials of activities that are part of the enslavement and trafficking of any human being.

Springfield Mayor Sean VanGordon