Public Records Requests

Oregon Public Records Law grants each person the right to inspect the records of a public body (unless exempt from disclosure).  Please fill out this form completely and identify specifically the type of records you are requesting from the Springfield Oregon Police Department.

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Have you contacted any other City of Springfield employee about this request?*
If yes, name of the employee contacted:
Address of Incident
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Requested Information/Records: Please give a brief statement describing the requested information/records, being specific enough for the City to determine the nature, content and department within which the record(s) you are requesting may be located. If files are to be previewed before copies are requested, please identify documents you wish to have copied.

Purpose of Request: Some records requests may require a balancing of privacy rights, governmental interests and other confidentiality policies on one hand and the public interest in disclosure on the other. Thus, because the identity and motive of the person seeking the disclosure of a particular public record may be relevant in determining whether a record is exempt from disclosure under a conditional exemption, please give a brief statement as to the purpose of your request:

The completed form may be submitted:
  • By mail or in person to the City Recorder, City of Springfield, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477
  • Emailed to City Recorder at publicrecords@springfield-or.gov
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

  • Per ORS, the city shall respond to all public records requests within 5 business days of receiving the request, and must fulfill the request within an additional 10 business days after acknowledging the request, or issue a written response that estimates how long fulfilling the request will take.
    The amount of time needed will depend upon the volume of the records requested, the staff available to respond to the records request, and the difficulty in determining whether any of the records are exempt from disclosure.
  • ORS 192.440 (4) authorizes the City to charge fees associated with public records requests.
  • The City Recorder may coordinate the response to complex requests as described in Level 3 below.
  • Level 1 Request: Does not require a written request and is not likely to require a fee.
    Requested document(s) must be current and readily available and must require minimal staff time or resources to be made available.
  • Level 2 Request: Must be made in writing to the City Recorder. Requested documents are not immediately available. Request must clearly and correctly identify the document, may not require extensive staff research to locate the document, may not include more than 50 pages of documents that are more than one year old. Requested document must be located in a single department or division, may not contain sensitive, confidential, or privileged information, and must not require attorney review prior to release. Cost estimates will be provided and requestor must agree to pay before document retrieval begins. Documents are usually available within 5 business days (not including weekends or holidays). Payment due upon receipt.
  • Level 3 Request: Must be made in writing to the City Recorder. This type of request is complex, involving multiple staff and/or departments or divisions. It involves extensive research or compilation of documents, and may require attorney review. The request also may require follow up by staff to identify what is being requested. City staff furnishes written acknowledgment that the request has been received and provide the requestor a written time and cost estimate for proceeding with the request. The requestor must submit written authorization to proceed and pay
    the estimated costs before any staff time is expended responding to the request.

Every attempt is made to fulfill Level 1 Requests on the same day, Level 2 Requests within 5 business days and Level 3 Requests within 15 business days after the request is received. The City Recorder will coordinate Level 2 and 3 requests and may request a review by the City Attorney to assess disclosure requirements of the information requested.

After the estimate is given to the requestor, the City Recorder’s Office must receive written authorization from the requestor before proceeding with the records request. The requestor will be notified if costs exceed the written estimate given. In addition, a refund will be given if costs are less than estimated.

For more information contact

Allyson Pulido, City Recorder at 541.726.3700