Springfield City Police

Springfield Police Department dispatchers receive emergency and non-emergency phone calls for law enforcement service needs 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Dispatchers guide callers through stressful situations while obtaining and relaying vital information to officers in the field. In addition, dispatchers also maintain an ongoing awareness of the location and activity for all field units via radio communication and software systems.

All calls for service requiring a response by police officers are routed through Dispatch.  These professionals are responsible for timely response of patrol officers based upon prioritization of calls for service.  Officers frequently require information to efficiently perform their duties and request this information from Dispatch.  Dispatchers are responsible for providing support for as many as 18 or 20 officers during the daytime when detectives are working as well as support for non-sworn staff working in the field.

Springfield Police Department dispatchers receive emergency and non-emergency phone calls for law enforcement service needs 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Dispatchers guide callers through stressful situations while obtaining and relaying vital information to officers in the field. In addition, dispatchers also maintain an ongoing awareness of the location and activity for all field units via radio communication and software systems.

Springfield City Police communications