Community Outreach
Springfield City Police

The Community Outreach office is staffed by the Community Outreach Coordinator. The office provides numerous programs and presentations to the community. Some of the programs provided by Community Outreach include: Ride Along Program, National Night Out, SPD Tours.

Community Outreach provides presentations regarding many of the above topics.  To request a Community Outreach Service, fill out the form found here.

Neighborhood Watch:

Neighborhood Watch operates as it’s own, independent organization. The Community Outreach Office maintains a close relationship with NW and regularly attends meetings. However they are an autonomous organization with their own leadership structure & bylaws. To learn more about Neighborhood Watch, click here.


Community members volunteer in several programs in the department. Volunteers regularly help with police vehicle maintenance, event coordination, office organization, preparing materials for the community, and general office tasks. Interested in volunteering at SPD? Click Here or e-mail spdco@springfield-or.gov

Ride Along Program:

Through this program citizens are allowed to accompany a uniformed police officer during his/her shift.  This enables the public to see up close the duties and functions performed by our department. Ride Along forms can be found at the Records Desk in the Springfield Justice Center lobby.