Online Vendor Registration Form

Online Vendor Registration Form

Online vendor Registration for City of Springfield Contracts

If you are interested in becoming a  vendor for the City of Springfield and receiving Requests for Proposal, or Invitations to Bid, (Contract Solicitations), please fill in the blanks on this document and e-mail:(purchasing@springfield-or.gov,) it to the City.  You will be included on the City’s Vendor Listing that may be referred to when the goods or services your company offers are contracted for by the City.  Being a registered vendor does not guarantee that your company will be awarded a City of Springfield contract.

Company Name ________________________________________________
Company Address ______________________________________________
Company Telephone/Fax numbers _________________________________

Main Contact Name _____________________________________________
Company E-mail Address_________________________________________

Goods and or Services Offered: 
Vehicular/Automotive___     Construction/Demolition___    Heavy Equipment____
Electrical_____     Plumbing______     Painting______   Grounds Maintenance___
Computer Hardware____  Computer Software_______   Communication Equip.___
Hardware/Construction Materials___    Traffic/Transportation Services________
Architectural Services_____   Paving___   Printing____       Human Resources____
Inventory Control Systems____     Insurance_____      Wastewater Management _____
Bulk Paper Products _____ Emergency Equipment______  Concrete Construction___
Office Equipment_____    Office Supplies______      Roofing/Siding_____
Medical Equipment/Support_____      Travel Services______    Other______
Emergency Equipment____    Interior Decoration____   Waste Water/Drainage____
Roofing___      Crane Service_____ Recycling Services_____ Surveying Services____
Architectural Services____     Other_________