ITB – NOAQ Boxwalls

City of Springfield NOAQ Boxwalls

Project Description

The City of Springfield, Oregon is issuing this Invitation to Bid (ITB) to establish a Contract for Goods.

The City desires to procure a supply of NOAQ Boxwall units to be utilized in future flooding incidents to protect lives and property.

The City has determined that the use of a brand name specification for the desired goods meets the requirements of ORS 279B.215 and ORS 279C.345 because there is only one manufacturer of the product of the quality required. NOAQ Boxwall is a lightweight, reusable, stackable flood barrier that can easily be rapidly deployed and collected by a single person. The barrier allows immediate redirects of water flow and protects up to the full height of the unit. Two heights are available: 21 inches and 40 inches, which will allow the City the ability to rapidly raise the height of the 42nd Street Levee in the event of a large flood, or to redirect or contain flowing water during smaller floods, water main breaks, etc. Other types of temporary barriers available either cannot provide the required protection height or require substantially more time, effort, and materials to deploy and remove. City anticipates the award of one Contract resulting from this ITB, issued to the lowest responsible Bidder.

Required delivery date for the Goods is: on or before
May 27, 2022.

ITB Document

Notice of Intent to Award

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