Doing Business with the City of Springfield

Doing Business with the City of Springfield

The City of Springfield purchases approximately $20 million worth of goods and services annually. The goods and services range from high dollar value Fire Fighting Equipment to lower value mini-construction projects in City Hall. Oregon State law requires that the City purchase the bulk of these through competitive procurement, but in order for there to be competition, the City must have as wide a variety of suppliers as possible from which to select their contractors.

To provide for this competition, the City of Springfield encourages companies interested in doing business with the City of Springfield to contact Neil Obringer, in City Purchasing at 541-736-1032, fax 541-726-3782, or e-mail nobringer@springfield-or.gov. Please furnish him with the company name, address, telephone, fax numbers, main contact name, e-mail address/web site, and type of goods and/or services provided. This information will be loaded into the City’s Vendor Data Base which is utilized on a rotating basis when sending out solicitations for contracts. The data base is broken down by company name within type of goods/services provided. Listing on the City Vendor Data Base however is no guarantee that a company will be awarded a City of Springfield contract.

With lower dollar value contracts, (under estimated $99,999), a City representative will solicit companies by phone, e-mail or fax, and ask them to provide in writing, their cost for furnishing the specific goods or services. Generally the company that offers the lowest price will be awarded the contract. The award is of course contingent upon this company providing the goods/services that the City specifies within required delivery time. Contract awards for services may also require that a company carry a certain type and dollar value of liability insurance. Companies that fail to respond to City solicitations, or have problems in providing the promised goods or services are dropped from the vendor listing.

For higher dollar value contracts, (over $100,000), the procedure for soliciting a contract is more formal. Advertisements are placed in local newspapers and the Portland Commerce Business Daily, that announce the City’s solicitation for a new contract.

These solicitations come in one of two types, an Invitation to Bid, (the company with the lowest price will generally be awarded the contract,) or a Request for Proposal (contract is awarded based on a series of evaluation points, of which price is only one element). The ad lists the name of the individual in the City that the companies can contact to provide them with a detailed contract solicitation packet, and answer any questions. This packet lists the contract specifications and includes a specific closing date by which the company must submit the bid or proposal. The City utilizing its Vendor Data Base, may also send out these packets to those companies they know could fulfill the contract.

Generally these bids and proposals must be received by mail or package delivery service prior to the deadline, but arrangements can be made before hand with City Purchase for electronic delivery if necessary. At the date and time of closing, the bids or proposals are opened in a public meeting and the prices announced, however the contract is not awarded at this time. The bids or proposals are subsequently evaluated by a panel made up of City employees, and the contract awarded to the responsible company with the lowest responsive price, (Invitation to Bid), or evaluated best qualified to fulfill the contract (Request for Proposal). All companies submitting bids or proposals, are officially notified of the City’s decision on awarding a contract.

In order to increase competition and lower prices, the City of Springfield is always searching for new sources to provide goods and services. If you have any questions about doing business with the City of Springfield, please contact Neil Obringer in the Finance Department, telephone 541-736-1032, e-mail nobringer@springfield-or.gov.