Project News
The updated Springfield Development Code has been adopted and will become effective beginning on July 1, 2022. The amendments were adopted by the Springfield City Council on May 16, 2022, and by the Lane County Board of County Commissioners on June 7, 2022.
Project Documents
Adopted Development Codes
- 1-100 Synopsis
- 2-100 Legal Framework
- 1-100 General Provisions
- 1-100 Official Zoning Maps
- 2.200 ResidentialDistricts
- 2.300 Commercial Districts
- 2.400 Industrial Districts
- 2-100 Base Land Use Districts
- 2-500 Medical Services District
- 2-600 Mixed Use Districts
- 2-700 Public Land and Open Space
- 2-800 Quarry and Mining Operations District
- 2-900 Agriculture Urban Holding Area District
- 3-100 Overlay Districts
- 3-200 Drinking Water Protection Overlay District
- 3-300 Willamette Greenway Overlay District
- 3-400 Floodplain Overlay District
- 3-500 Hillside Development Overlay District
- 3-800 Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District
- 3-900 Historic Overlay District
- 3-1000 Nodal Development Overlay Districts
- 3-1100 Hospital Support Overlay District
- 4-100 Plan Districts
- 4-200 Glenwood Riverfront Mixed Use Plan District
- 4-300 Booth Kelly Mixed Use Plan District
- 1-100 Infrastructure Standards – Reference Standards
- 2.100 Infrastructure Standards-Transportation
- 3.100 Infrastructure Standards Utilities
- 4.100 Landscaping Screening Fence Standards
- 5.100 Onsite Lighting
- 6.100 Parking
- 7.300 Special Standards Certain Uses
- 7-100 Specific Development Standards
- 8-100 Temporary Use Standards
- 1.100 Development Review and Procedures
- 2-100 Hearing Rules of Procedure
- 6-100 Refinement Plans, Plan Districts and Development Code Adoption or Amendment
- 7-100 Annexations
- 8-100 Non Conforming Uses
- 9-100 Discretionary Uses
- 10-100 Emergency Medical Hardship
- 11-100 Interpretations
- 12.200 Expedited and Middle Housing Land Divisions
- 12-100 Land Divisions-Partitions and Sub Divisions
- 13-100 Master Plans
- 14-100 Metro Plan Amendments
- 15.100 Minimum Development Standards
- 16-100 Property Line Adjustments
- 17.100 Site Plan Review
- 18-100 Solar Access Protections
- 19-100 Tree Felling Permit
- 20-100 Vacations of Rights of Way and Easements
- 21-100 Variances
- 22-100 Zoning Map Amendments
- 1.100 Definitions
Fact Sheets, FAQ, Other Project Materials
- Fact Sheet #1 – Fact sheet about Phase 1 of the Development Code Update project that is focused on Middle Housing.
- Fact Sheet #2 – Fact sheet about the Middle Housing Legislation Oregon House Bill 2001 including background, and what the City can and cannot do related to its implementation.
- Fact Sheet #3 – Fact sheet to help explain how the proposed changes will apply in the Historic Overlay District, including the Washburne Historic Landmark District.
- Frequently Asked Questions – Frequently asked questions with answers about the Middle Housing Legislation Oregon House Bill 2001.
- Community Engagement Report and Survey Results
- Virtual Open House (refers to a community survey that is no longer active but link provides project background)
Recursos en español
Si tiene preguntas o desea solicitar información sobre este proyecto en español, comuníquese con Molly Markarian, Planificadora Urbana, al mmarkarian@springfield-or.gov o al 541-726-4611
Hoja informativa n.° 1: hoja informativa sobre la Fase 1 del proyecto de Actualización del Código de Desarrollo que se centra en viviendas intermedias.
Hoja informativa n.° 2: hoja informativa sobre el proyecto de ley de la Cámara de Representantes de Oregon de 2001 de la legislación sobre viviendas intermedias, incluidos los antecedentes y lo que la ciudad puede y no puede hacer en relación con su implementación.
Preguntas frecuentes – Preguntas frecuentes con respuestas sobre la Legislación de Vivienda Intermedia Oregon House Bill 2001.
The Springfield Development Code is the principle document that implements local, state, and federal land use, transportation, and environmental laws applicable in the City of Springfield. The current Development Code was adopted in 1987. Other than a general “housekeeping” update that occurred from 1998 to 2005, the Code has been revised only to comply with state or federal laws, or as directed by the City Council in response to a specific issue or objective. The Springfield City Council recognizes that the Springfield Development Code is difficult to use, understand, and implement. Resolving the complexities and outdated nature of the code will help achieve the economic and housing goals for our community. The Council has directed staff to complete a full Development Code Update which started in 2019 and is anticipated to conclude by the end of 2023.
Phase 1 – Housing:
Back in February 2020 the City released three draft updated code sections for public review at the direction of the Springfield City Council for the Phase 1, Housing/Residential of the Development Code Update Project. Since that time many things have changed, and a lot has been going on.
The State of Oregon passed new legislation, House Bill 2001 (HB 2001), in 2019 that requires among other things for the City to allow Middle Housing on residentially zoned lots and parcels that allow development of single-family homes. Middle Housing is defined as duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, townhomes, and cottage clusters.
City staff participated on multiple State committees to help inform the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) in writing the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR’s, or rules) that will implement the new legislation. In discussing the implementation of HB 2001 with Springfield City Council, it was decided to move forward with the housing code updates, including trying to fully implement the new HB 2001 provisions, ahead of the rules from the state being finalized. As the rule making process continued at the state level it became clear that the draft code sections that were released for public review and comment needed to be revised to incorporate rule language that was not anticipated.
On June 22, 2020 the City Council was given an update on the project. After discussion and consideration the Council gave direction to staff to not proceed with additional public outreach efforts in anticipation of having to make changes to the draft code, wait for the state rules, and then reengage with the public after the final rules are clearer. Listen to meeting recording to learn more. Please note it can take several minutes to open this mp4 file.
The state finalized the rule making process on December 9, 2020. The final rules can be found at the state webpages linked below.
After the state finalized the new middle housing rules, City staff revised the draft housing code sections to be compliant with the new rules. Staff re-released a revised draft housing code section in July of 2021 for public review and input via a virtual open house and community survey. Staff worked throughout the second half of 2021 with the Springfield Planning Commission to create a revised draft based on public input for the Planning Commission’s joint public hearing with the Lane County Planning Commission, which was held on January 4, 2022. The Commissions recommended approval of the code amendments to the Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of County Commissioners. The Council and Board of County Commissioners held a joint public hearing on the proposed code amendments on April 25, 2022. The Council adopted the amendments on May 16, 2022, and the Board of County Commissioners adopted them on June 7, 2022.
Phase 2 – Employment Lands:
Along with proceeding with Phase 1 for housing as discussed above we are continuing to work on Phase 2 of the project to update the code related to employment lands (commercial/industrial). The City of Springfield Planning Commission, acting in their capacity as the Committee for Citizens Involvement (CCI) appointed nine members to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for this phase of the project.
The Technical Advisory Committee concluded its work and staff finalized new draft code sections for Site Plan Review, Minimum Development Standards, Infrastructure Standards, and Development Standards. The Development Standards sections include parking, landscaping, and on-site lighting standards. These draft code sections were released for public review and input in July of 2021 via a virtual open house and community survey. Staff worked throughout the second half of 2021 with the Springfield Planning Commission to create a revised draft based on public input for the Planning Commission’s joint public hearing with the Lane County Planning Commission, which was held on January 4, 2022. The Commissions recommended approval of the code amendments to the Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of County Commissioners. The Council and Board of County Commissioners held a joint public hearing on the proposed code amendments on April 25, 2022. The Council adopted the amendments on May 16, 2022, and the Board of County Commissioners adopted them on June 7, 2022.
Project Purpose and Objectives
The established project purpose and objectives were developed in conjunction with the Springfield City Council and Planning Commission and approved as part of the Community Engagement Plan for the project.
The Purpose of the Development Code Update Project is to change the Springfield Development Code to support efficient, timely, and clear development review. The updated Development Code will support Springfield’s economic development priorities and will honor Springfield’s hometown feel now and in the future.
The Project objectives are to:
- Enable quick review of development applications.
- Provide easy to understand code language presented in a clear and user-friendly format.
- Provide a straight-forward processing path to development decisions.
- Support/further economic development in all sectors.
- Protect and enhance the beauty of our city to boost or stabilize property values, encourage investment, and improve the image of the community.
- Comply with mandatory regulatory requirements including implementation of HB 2001.
- Implement the City’s adopted policies.
Focus Areas
Phase 1
December 2018 – June 2022 |
Phase 2
January 2020 – June 2022 |
Phase 3
October 2021 – December 2023 |

When complete, the updated Development Code should:
Enable quick review of development applications.
Provide easy to understand code language presented in a clear and user-friendly format.
Provide a straight-forward processing path to development decisions.
Support/further economic development in all sectors.
Protect and enhance the beauty of our city to boost or stabilize property values, encourage investment, and improve the image of the community.
Comply with mandatory regulatory requirements.
Implement the City’s adopted policies.
KLCC’s Oregon Grapevine: Housing in Springfield
Barbara Dellenback with KLCC speaks with Springfield Interim Planning Manager Sandy Belson about housing solutions. They discuss the rising cost of housing, legislation aimed at creative affordable housing, and efforts to make sure everyone has shelter. Listen here or go to https://www.klcc.org/post/oregon-grapevine-housing-springfield.
Yimbyes.org Podcast on the Development Code Update Project
This podcast provides an update on how the Development Code will promote housing of diverse types. It explains the purpose and expected outcomes of the Development Code Update Project. Additionally, it covers how the code update puts the city ahead in addressing recent legislation around middle housing. Committee members also share what the code update means to the community and how it may affect neighborhoods and opportunities to get involved.
Upcoming Meetings
Previous Meetings, Project Documents, Additional Background
View previously held meetings and materials, other related project documents and additional background here.
Technical Advisory Committee
The Springfield Planning Commission acting as the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) approves members for the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for the Development Code Update project.
- Phase 1: Housing Phase TAC – View membership list here.
- Phase 2: Employment Lands (Commercial/Industrial) Phase TAC – View membership list here.
Interested Parties
To receive email updates and notices about the project please sign up on our project email list.
Current Development Code
The current Development Code can be found here.
Work Tasks and Timeline
Click the photo below to download or enlarge.
Project Manager
Mark Rust, AICP
Planning Manager, Current Planning and Code Enforcement
Para Español
Molly Markarian, Senior Planner