Industrial Pretreatment
Wastewater generated in the Eugene/Springfield metropolitan area is cleaned at the regional wastewater treatment plant. Industrial wastes, which may contain pollutants that could interfere with the operation of our treatment plant, are regulated by the City of Springfield Industrial Pretreatment Program.Â

The goals of the Industrial Pretreatment Program are to:
- Prevent the introduction of pollutants into our treatment plant that will interfere with treatment operations or damage wastewater pipes or treatment facilities;
- Prevent the introduction of pollutants into our treatment plant that cannot be treated and will pass through the plant and into the local (water) environment;
- Protect the public’s health and the environment from risks of pollution; and
- Protect worker safety.
Significant Industrial Users are regulated through permits, which require sampling and analysis, general compliance monitoring, spill control plans, and on-site facility inspections. The regulation is needed so that industrial wastes don’t inhibit or reduce the efficiency of the treatment plant, or make it hard to produce beneficial biosolids, or even reduce the amount of reusable effluent (the outflow from a treatment plant). The program must also monitor industrial discharges in order to prevent pollutants from passing through the treatment plant and harming the environment or threatening public health.
If you have any questions regarding the Industrial Pretreatment Program, please contact:
Shawn Krueger, Environmental Services Supervisor
Emily Lane, Environmental Services Technician
Marcia Miller, Environmental Services Technician
Visit the following links for more information
General info on Springfield’s Industrial Pretreatment Program:
- Industrial Pretreatment Program Overview
- Do I need a Wastewater Discharge Permit?
- General Discharge Guidelines
- General Discharge Prohibitions
- Wastewater Discharge Permit Application
- Wastewater Discharge Survey – Short Form
- Temporary Discharge Authorization: Do I need special authorization to discharge from groundwater clean-up or other sources into the wastewater system?
- Hazardous Waste Notification Requirements:Â Lane County Hazardous Waste Program
Springfield’s Pollution Management Program (PMP):
- Brewery, Distillery and Wine Making Facilities: General Requirement. Additional Information:Â BMP Info Sheet
- Dental Offices: Dental Rule 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 441. Additional Information: Dental Office Pollution Prevention
- Food Service Facilities: General Requirement. General Requirement Additional Information. Food Service Facility Grease Trap Survey. Additional Information: Fight FOG
- Healthcare Facilities:Â Notification of Management Standards for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals.
- Photo Processors: General Requirement. Photo Processor Survey.