Planning & Development

Development & Public Works

Planning & Development

The Current Development Division’s planning section is responsible for the administration and processing of land use and development review applications, zone changes, site specific plan amendments, annexation of property into the city, review and approval of alterations, new construction and demolitions to properties, and front counter customer service on development issues.  The planning team is integrated with development engineers that provide review and approval of construction plans and permits for development of public and private properties including Land and Drainage Alteration Permits and Public Improvement Plans (PIPs) for construction of streets and utilities. Together with Planners- and Engineers-On-Duty at the front counter, this one stop shop of services is commonly called development review. Our goals are to provide everything you need to be successful at the planning stage of your development or just make you a more informed resident of Springfield!

Contact us or better yet come down to City Hall and visit!  We can answer most development review questions over the counter, on line or by phone within 24 hours! We can provide public information related to your property such as zoning and flood plain designations that are required info for property owners during land sales or re-financing of mortgages.  If you are starting, expanding or constructing a business or creating new residential parcels by land division we provide cost effective pre-application services such as Development Issues Meetings and Application Pre-Submittal reviews which are designed to identify any challenges or constraints to development at the earliest possible planning stage and all permit requirements and fees associated with specific proposals. We can work with your consultants or assist you in all aspects of development. Our planning and development procedures range from Minimum Development Standards applications submitted concurrently with your building permits to Site Plan or Master Plan approvals for building a new mixed use neighborhood.

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