P21180 – Jasper/Dondea and Jasper/Filbert Street Crossings (Safe Routes to School)

Project Status:

December 2023: Project is now complete

Construction began the week of July 17, 2023  on safety upgrades for two crosswalks on Jasper Rd. The crosswalks at Dondea St. and Filbert Ln. will receive rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) for safer pedestrian access to Douglas Gardens and Mt. Vernon elementary schools.

The project was awarded to Pacific Excavation in the amount of $246,589.00.

Funding was received for both Jasper/Dondea and Jasper/Filbert through a combination of funds from the school district and an ODOT Safe Routes to School Grant.

Project Description:

Students at Mt Vernon and Douglas Gardens Elementary Schools face a significant barrier in crossing Jasper Road due to the large 42-foot-wide crossing distance. Jasper Rd has posted speeds of up to 35 mph in this neighborhood. The speeds and crossing distance of Jasper Rd. make it unsafe to cross according to parents and staff.

This project will add rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) to the crossings at Douglas Gardens and Mt. Vernon Elementary Schools, as well as a pedestrian refuge island at Douglas Gardens. RRFBs have been proven to be effective countermeasures that increase the yielding rates of people driving and make it safer, more comfortable, and easier for people walking to cross the street.

Douglas Gardens (Jasper Road at Dondea Street) includes a pedestrian refuge island since the location and turning movements allow for it, which makes the two-stage crossing safer and more visible.

The Mt. Vernon location (Jasper Rd at Filbert Ln) has sidewalk mounted poles and flashing beacons without a refuge island since the center turn lane is needed for left turn movements off of Jasper onto S 41st S.

Project History:

Both Douglas Gardens Elementary and Mt. Vernon completed an action planning process in the 2016/2017 school year. This process involved a number of meetings to understand the barriers to students safely and comfortably taking active modes to school (including a mapping activity and walk/bike-ability exercise). The Springfield SRTS coordinator continues to engage with these schools to partner with them on engagement and education activities. Due to COVID-19, the nature of engagement has changed with schools, however the Eugene-Springfield Regional Team has created a toolkit with a number of virtual resources available on their website.

If the pre-bid meeting is listed as MANDATORY bids will not be accepted from bidders unless it can be confirmed by a signature on the Pre-Bid Meeting Sign-in Sheet that a representative of the organization attended the meeting.

Project Schedule

All dates, times and locations are subject to change

Bid Due/Bid Opening Date and Time Wednesday, April 12th, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
Bid Opening Location Online Teams Meeting (Click here to login)
Pre-Bid Meeting Date and Time Monday, April 3rd, 2023 at 10:00 am
Pre-Bid Meeting Location Online Teams Meeting (Click here to login)
Pre-Bid Meeting Sign-in Sheet Sign-in sheet
Deadline for Submission of Questions Prior to Bid Opening Thursday, April 6th, 2023, 2022 at 5:00pm
Bid Summary/Notice of Intent to Award View Bid Submittal
Anticipated Construction Contract Award
Anticipated Construction Start June 20th, 2023
Project Completion August 11, 2023

All questions regarding this project should be emailed to the Contracts Analyst at aclinton@springfield-or.gov or you can call at the number listed below. Contact with any other City officials may be grounds for disqualification of the bid.

Questions will be reviewed and responses will be posted to the Clarification Log at the link below. If, in the opinion of the City, it is necessary to amend or supplement the Invitation to Bid, an Addendum will be prepared, posted below and notifications sent to all bidders that purchased a bid book and those that attended a Pre-bid Informational Meeting and provided a valid e-mail address.

The City will make every reasonable effort to notify all bidders that have purchased a bid book or attended a Pre-bid Informational Meeting of Addenda, however, it is recommended that bidders routinely check the website for updated information. The City is not responsible for any explanation, clarification, interpretation or approval made or given in any manner except by written Addendum issued by the City.

Addenda will not be issued within 72 hours of the bid opening date and time as indicated in the Invitation to Bid without extending the bid opening requirement.

Addendum Number Addendum Date Date/Time Posted
1 3-27-2023 1:15 pm on 3-27-2023 
2 4-4-2023 11:45 pm on 4-4-2023