P21176 – Franklin Blvd (HWY 225)

Development & Public Works

Project Status:

Design has started.

Project Description:

Franklin Boulevard (Hwy 225) is a primary north-south connection between I-5 and Franklin Blvd. Hwy 225 and also connects with Lane Community College. The road currently has wide shoulders but does not include any dedicated walkways or bikeways. Traffic travels quickly through the corridor as many trips are going to and from Interstate 5 and the roadway characteristics encourage high speeds. People live along this corridor and cross the street to access school buses, transit buses, and neighborhood destinations.

This project will develop a comprehensive design concept for Franklin Blvd. (Hwy 225) that improves safety, accommodates the needs of people walking, biking, taking transit, motorcycling, and driving, and helps make the Glenwood area a vibrant place to live, work, and visit. This design concept will also determine the future design for the underpass at the Union Pacific Railroad crossing just north of East 19th Avenue.

By determining the future design concept for the corridor, preservation funding can be used more efficiently to maintain the existing pavement while coordinating with design and construction of the future complete street elements. The design concept will also enable developments that front the street to contribute to street construction costs by paying for construction along the frontages of their properties.

To begin this project, a design concept will be developed identifying the right-of-way width, various elements such as bicycle, pedestrian, and stormwater needs, intersection layout and right-of-way envelope, and potential re-alignment of an intersecting street. Once the envelope has been established, the environmental (NEPA) analysis would be completed for the corridor.

This initial step will provide certainty to development along the corridor, Union Pacific for their rail crossing, and utility providers so that public services can be provided in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The larger project will help further implement the Glenwood Refinement Plan and support the City of Springfield’s economic development and transportation safety priorities.

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