P21157 – Mohawk and Olympic Overlay

Development & Public Works

The contract was awarded to Wildish Construction Company in the amount of $3,237,060.00. Questions regarding this project should be directed to the Project Leader. The original posting is shown below.

  • Project Leader: Kristi Krueger
  • Phone: 541-726-4584
  • E-mail: mai

Engineers Estimate: Between $4.2M to $4.5M

Project Description

Mill and pave Mohawk Blvd. from G St. to approximately 100 feet south of the Mohawk Blvd. and 18th St. intersection. Mill and pave Olympic St. from Mohawk Blvd. to 28th St. Reconstruct locations described in engineering plans on sheet E01 using full depth cold plane pavement removal and repair process. Remove and replace traffic islands with traffic separators as described in engineering plans on sheets E02-E05. Replace curb ramps at the following locations: six at G St. and Mohawk Blvd. intersection, four at I St. and Mohawk Blvd. intersection, two at Modoc St. and Mohawk Blvd. intersection, two at J St. and Mohawk Blvd. intersection, two at the Parker St. and Mohawk Blvd. intersection, seven at the Centennial Blvd. and Mohawk Blvd. intersection, eight at the M St. and Mohawk Blvd. intersection, two at the 16th St. and Mohawk Blvd. intersection, one at the 17th St. and Mohawk Blvd. intersection, six at the Olympic St. and Mohawk Blvd. intersection, eight at the 18th St. and Olympic St. intersection, two at the mid-block crossing on Olympic St., four at the 21st and Olympic St. intersection, two at the 23rd St. and Olympic St. intersection, four on Olympic St. at the Park and Ride/KFC entrance, two on Olympic St. at the Park and Ride/Walmart entrance, and four at the 28th St. and Olympic St. intersection.

If the pre-bid meeting is listed as MANDATORY bids will not be accepted from bidders unless it can be confirmed by a signature on the Pre-Bid Meeting Sign-in Sheet that a representative of the organization attended the meeting.

Project Schedule

All dates, times and locations are subject to change

Bid Due/Bid Opening Date and Time September 24, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.
Bid Opening Location Bid Opening will be held by Go To Meeting.  Instructions to attend the meeting are available in Addendum 1 dated 09/15/2020.
Pre-Bid Meeting MANDATORY
Pre-Bid Meeting Date and Time September 2, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.
Pre-Bid Meeting Location Pre-Bid Meeting will be held by Go To Meeting.  Instructions to attend the meeting are available in the Invitation to Bidders.
Pre-Bid Meeting Sign-in Sheet View Sign-in Sheet
Deadline for Submission of Questions Prior to Bid Opening September 17, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.
Bid Summary/Notice of Intent to Award View Bid Summary/ Notice of Intent to Award
Anticipated Construction Contract Award October 5, 2020
Anticipated Construction Start November 2, 2020
Project Completion November 2021

All questions regarding this project should be addressed to the Contract Analyst identified below. Contact with any other City officials may be grounds for disqualification of bid.

Contract Analyst: Amanda Clinton Phone: 541.726.3628 Email: aclinton@springfield-or.gov

Questions will be reviewed and responses will be posted to the Clarification Log at the link below. If, in the opinion of the City, it is necessary to amend or supplement the Invitation to Bid, an Addendum will be prepared, posted below and notifications sent to all bidders that purchased a bid book and those that attended a Pre-bid Informational Meeting and provided a valid e-mail address.

The City will make every reasonable effort to notify all bidders that have purchased a bid book or attended a Pre-bid Informational Meeting of Addenda, however, it is recommended that bidders routinely check the website for updated information. The City is not responsible for any explanation, clarification, interpretation or approval made or given in any manner except by written Addendum issued by the City.

Addenda will not be issued within 72 hours of the bid opening date and time as indicated in the Invitation to Bid without extending the bid opening requirement.

View Clarification Log Last Posted:  September 17, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.

Addenda Issued

Addendum Number Addendum Date Date/Time Posted
Addendum 1 September 15, 2020 September 15, 2020 / 1:00 p.m.
Addendum 2 September 17, 2020 September 17, 2020 / 3:00 p.m.