P21086: Quinalt and 10th Water Quality Manhole

Development & Public Works

P21086: Quinalt and 10th Water Quality Manhole

This project was awarded to H&J Construction, Inc. on August 18, 2015 in the amount of $48,000.00.  Questions regarding this project should be directed to the Project Leader.  The original posting is shown below.

Project Leader:
 Jeff Paschall
 Jeff Paschall

Project Description

This project will occur east of the 10th St and Quinalt St intersection. The project will consist of installing a Water Quality Manhole and all associated work with construction. This will include traffic control, saw cuts of asphaltic concrete, excavation, installation, backfill, and resurfacing with Portland Cement Concrete once complete, as well as disposal of any waste materials.

If the pre-quote informational meeting is listed as MANDATORY, quotes will not be accepted from prospective contractors unless it can be confirmed by a signature on the Pre-Quote Informational Meeting Sign-in Sheet that a representative of the organization attended the meeting.

Anticipated Project Schedule
(All dates, times and locations are subject to change.)
Quote Due Date
August 13, 2015
Extended to August 18, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. by Addendum 1
Quote Due Time
10:00 a.m.
Pre-Quote Informational Meeting
Pre-Quote Informational Meeting Date and Time
Pre-Quote Informational Meeting Location


Pre-Quote Informational Meeting Sign-in Sheet
Deadline for Submission of Questions Prior to Quote Closing

August 7, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.

Quote Summary/Intent to Award
Estimated Contract Award Date
August 14, 2015

All questions regarding this project should be addressed to the Engineering Support Specialist identified below. Contact with any other City officials may be grounds for disqualification of quote.

Engineering Support Specialist: Terri White

Questions will be reviewed and responses will be posted to the Clarification Log at the link above. If, in the opinion of the City, it is necessary to amend or supplement the Request for Competitive Price Quote, an Addendum will be prepared, posted above and sent to all Prospective Contractors that were included in the initial solicitation.

The City will make every reasonable effort to notify all Prospective Contractors that were included in the initial solicitation and those that attended a Pre-Quote Informational Meeting and provided a valid e-mail address on the sign-in sheet. However, it is recommended that Prospective Contractors routinely check the website for updated information. The City is not responsible for any explanation, clarification, interpretation or approval made or given in any manner except by written Addendum issued by the City.

Addenda will not be issued within 72 hours of the Quote closing date and time as indicated in the Request for Competitive Price Quote without extending the Quote closing requirement.

Quotes may be modified or withdrawn prior to the Quote closing time and date listed in the Request for Competitive Price Quote. All requests for modification or withdrawl shall be in accordance with OAR 137-049-0320.

August 12, 2015 9:30 a.m.
Addenda Issued
Addendum Number
Addendum Date
Date/Time Posted
August 12, 2015
August 12, 2015 / 9:30 a.m.