P21080: Franklin/McVay Sanitary Sewer Extension
Engineer’s Estimate: Between $3,200,000 and $3,700,000
Project Description
Schedule A – Construction of approximately 4,000 linear feet of 18-inch diameter gravity sanitary sewer pipeline, approximately 5 to 20 feet deep, within the public right-of-way from the intersection of Franklin Blvd and the Franklin/McVay Highway to a location approximately 4,000 feet south of the intersection; 540 linear feet of 8-inch diameter PVC piping; fittings and appurtenances; manholes; connections to existing sanitary sewer systems, paving and striping; removal and replacement of existing sidewalk; surface restoration; and performance of additional and incidental work as called for by the project contract documents.
Schedule B – Approximately 350 linear feet of 16-inch DI waterline and electrical conduit ranging in size from 2-inch to 4-inch, including open trench installation of steel casings under the existing UPRR railroad trestle.
Schedule C (Additive Alternate) – Modifications to the existing Nugget Way sanitary sewage pump station and force main. Construction of approximately 900 linear feet of 12-inch diameter PVC gravity sanitary sewer pipeline, approximately 6 to 12 feet deep, within the public right-of-way from the intersection of Franklin/McVay Highway and 19th Avenue to the intersection of 19th Avenue and Nugget Way, fittings and appurtenances; manholes; paving and striping; surface restoration; and performance of additional and incidental work as called for by the project contract documents.
The above general outline of principal features of the work does not in any way limit the responsibility of the Contractor(s) to perform all work and furnish all equipment, labor and materials required by the contract documents.
Bid Award Date
July 7, 2014 |
Bid Awarded To
Wildish Construction Company |
Bid Award Amount
$2,632,737.65 |
First Tier Sub-Contractor Form
View First Tier Sub-Contractor Form |
For questions regarding this project you may contact the Project Leader shown below.
Project Leader
Mark VanEeckhout, Civil Engineer
541-736 – 7126