Invitations to Bid – Development & Public Works

The bid documents provided on this webpage are abridged versions of the complete bid books and are provided for review and informational purposes only. They do not contain all of the documents required for the submission of a responsive bid.

To submit a responsive bid for consideration, a complete bid book, along with any subsequent addenda issued, is required.

Bid documents are available for viewing at the Development and Public Works Department, City of Springfield, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477.  To purchase bid documents contact Amanda Clinton at 541-726-3638 or aclinton@springfield-or.gov to schedule an appointment.  Please see instructions in the Invitation to Bidders.  Documents available online and those on file with Plan Centers are incomplete and cannot be used to submit bids.

Any bidder requiring special assistance or auxiliary aids during the bidding and award process, should contact Amanda Clinton at 541-726-3628 or aclinton@springfield-or.gov at least two (2) business days prior to the scheduled program, activity or meeting for hearing assistance or a sign language interpreter and at least five (5) business days prior to the event for all other meeting accommodations.  Assistive listening systems are available for the hearing impaired in the Municipal Courtrooms and City Council Chambers.  TTY users dial Oregon Relay Services at 711.  Requests for documents in alternate formats should be submitted at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the date the materials are needed to allow time for the City to respond to the request.  At the discretion of the City, submission deadlines may be extended to accommodate a request for alternate formats.

*This page displays Capital construction project invitations to bid, if you were looking for the other City invitations to bid or requests for proposals, click here.

Additional ADA Resources are available at the following links.

Please Note!

If the pre-bid meeting is listed as MANDATORY, bids will not be accepted from bidders unless it can be confirmed by a signature on the Pre-Bid Meeting Sign-in Sheet that a representative of the organization attended the meeting.

Current Public Works Construction Project Invitations to Bids (click on the Project Number for the Instructions for Bidders and abridged bid documents).

Project Number Project Title Is Pre-bid Mandatory? Pre-bid Date Bid Due Date Engineer’s Estimate
P21185 70th St Wastewater Basin Rehab No November 13 December 5 $1,214,594
P21192 2024 Maintenance Hole Rehabilitation No May 7 May 21 $159,900.00
P21195 42nd St Overlay – International Paper to Marcola Rd No April 18 May 9 $1,836,237
P41049 West ‘D’ Street Bike Improvements No October 3 October 12 $480,918.63
P21180 Jasper Road/Dondea Street and Jasper Road/Filbert Lane – Safe Routes to School Pedestrian Crossings NO April 3rd April 12th $314,972.00
P21172 Aster St at S 58th and Meadow Park ADA Ramps NO November 21 December 8 $44,456.77
P21181 S 37th Street, S 38th Street, Osage Street, and Janus Street Sewer Extension NO November 14 December 1 $962,285.00
P21165 Gateway Street at Kruse Way Intersection Improvements NO July 6 July 20 $215,395.67