B21007 – Daisy Street – S. 51st Pl. to Bob Straub Pkwy.

Development & Public Works

B21007 – Daisy Street – S 51st St. to Bob Straub Pkwy. (2024 GO BOND)

Project NEWS:

Design is in progress. Survey work is underway.

Project Description:

Daisy Street from 51st Place to Bob Straub Pkwy is a minor collector in a residential area and is part of a larger preservation project. The first section from 42nd St. to 51st St. was recently completed. This project is funded by the 2024 GO Bond and will extend the useful life of Daisy St and consists of a mill and pavement overlay and ADA upgrades to existing ramps, driveways, and signals.

This project is funded by Go Bond Measure 20-351 passed by Springfield voters in 2024.

Daisy street map