B21004 – Aspen Street – Tamarack to Centennial

Development & Public Works

B21004 – Aspen St. – Tamarack St. to Centennial Blvd. (2024 GO BOND)

Project NEWS:

Design is in progress. Survey Work is underway.

Project Description:

The Aspen Street project would include full surface repair and restoration from Centennial to Tamarack Street. In addition to the pavement repairs, sidewalks would be constructed where gaps currently exist as well as repairing existing sidewalks where necessary and upgrading pedestrian ramps to meet current American with Disabilities Act requirements. The project would preserve the street and provide a sidewalk in front of the Centennial Elementary school.

This project is funded by Go Bond Measure 20-351 passed by Springfield voters in 2024.

Aspen Street Map