Thank you, Springfield Voters, for passing Bond Measure 20-351!
On June 27, 2024, the Oregon Secretary of State’s Office certified the May 21, 2024, election results.
Project News
- Harlow Road from Interstate 5 to the roundabout at Pioneer Parkway and MLK Jr. Parkway
- Aspen Street from Tamarack Street to Centennial Boulevard
- G Street from 10th Street to 23rd Street
- 36th Street from Main Street to Commercial Avenue
- Daisy Street from South 51st Place to Bob Straub Parkway
- 58th Street from Main Street to Thurston Road
GO Bond Measure 20-351 Interactive Map.

Springfield Streets by the Numbers – Stats on how many miles of streets and sidewalks, number of street trees, and other street infrastructure the City maintains.
Informational Mailer to Springfield Registered Voters – Informational mailer to be sent by the City in spring of 2024 to all registered voters who live within the city limits.
Street Condition Photos – Printable PDF with additional photos of current street conditions.
If you have questions email dpw@springfield-or.gov.
Additional Questions & Answers
The following questions were received from community members prior to the May 21, 2024 election and shared here as others may find helpful to know.
What streets are included on the list for repairs?
- Harlow Road from Interstate 5 to the roundabout at Pioneer Parkway and MLK Jr. Parkway
- Aspen Street from Tamarack Street to Centennial Boulevard
- G Street from 10th Street to 23rd Street
- 36th Street from Main Street to Commercial Avenue
- Daisy Street from South 51st Place to Bob Straub Parkway
- 58th Street from Main Street to Thurston Road
How was it determined which streets were included on the list?
The proposed bond measure projects target streets that can be repaired through pavement preservation vs. streets that need full reconstruction. The selection of streets proposed for this type of repairs is based on several factors, including their current condition and traffic volume. City staff analyzed the current street conditions report alongside public feedback submitted through the Capital Improvement Request forms, with a focus on streets that are able to be preserved prior to needing complete reconstruction. A list was compiled providing multiple streets in each ward for Council consideration when determining the list to include in the proposed bond measure.
What about the gas tax the City receives for streets?
While the City does receive gas tax from the State, approximately $4-5M a year, and approximately $900K per year through the local gas tax, the majority of both go toward the daily maintenance and operations of our community’s street system. This includes:
- Traffic Signs, Pavement Markings, Traffic Signals
- Streetlights and Electricity
- Potholes, Crack Sealing, and ADA ramp upgrades
- Winter Storm Response and Special Events including traffic control
- Potential match for Federal and State dollars (88% money) related to grants for street project – example is the upcoming Mill Street project
- One-time special overlay paving to improve travel surface of a street until a full reconstruction can occur – example is overlay paving project to occurring later this year on 42nd Street from International Paper to Marcola Road.
Additionally, revenue from the gas taxes has been flat in recent years due to more efficient vehicles but the cost of maintaining the system has gone up. For example, striping streets has increased from $0.50 per foot to $5 per foot over recent years which includes materials and contractor labor.
So, how much of all the gas tax collected does go towards street preservation and repairs?
Approximately $1.3 million each year goes toward street preservation and repairs. Current revenue is not enough to pay for all street preservation and repair projects which would cost approximately $50 million.
Every year my property taxes go up and the condition of the streets keep getting worse. Where is the money going, and now you want more money?
Property taxes do not pay for City street preservation or maintenance. Current funding for streets comes mostly from gas tax.
The City receives gas tax from the State, approximately $4-5M a year, and approximately $900K per year through the local gas tax with the majority of both going toward the daily maintenance and operations of our community’s street system. This includes:
- Traffic Signs, Pavement Markings, Traffic Signals
- Streetlights and Electricity
- Potholes, Crack Sealing, and ADA ramp upgrades
- Winter Storm Response and Special Events including traffic control
- Potential match for Federal and State dollars (88% money) related to grants for street project – example is the upcoming Mill Street project
- One-time special overlay paving to improve travel surface of a street until a full reconstruction can occur – example is overlay paving project to occurring later this year on 42nd Street from International Paper to Marcola Road.
Current gas tax revenue is not enough to pay for all street preservation and repair projects which would cost approximately $50 million.
Isn't this what the marijuana taxes were to be used for?
The City receives a share of the State marijuana tax which is received into the City’s general fund in support of City Police and Fire services. In addition to the marijuana tax, the City also collects business licensing fees related to marijuana businesses in support of all general fund services including Police, Fire, Municipal Court, Library, Code Enforcement, and Planning. None of the marijuana taxes or fees collected or received by the City go towards maintaining streets.
Could lottery dollars go towards fixing our streets?
The State Legislature determines and directs where lottery dollars go. Currently, the majority goes towards schools and state parks. The City does not receive funding from that source of any kind to go towards streets.
Do these streets need repairs?
Yes. City staff analyzed the current conditions and identified streets that are in fair condition that could have their useful life extended through preservation and repairs vs. reconstruction in the future that costs 4 to 10 times more to do. Often streets may not appear visually in need of repairs but have deteriorated below the surface. The substructure can deteriorate from heavy traffic, weather changes, water damage, and natural settling below the ground. Water can enter small cracks where it can freeze and expand in colder temperatures causing cracks to widen. The soil or compacted material beneath the road can shift and erode as well.
Why isn't Rainbow Drive on the list of proposed streets for repairs?
The streets listed in the bond measure would receive preservation through repaving work on them to extend their useful life. Rainbow Drive however needs a full reconstruction, and we are working to identify funding to bring a reconstruction project to the street. We are actively working to expedite the process of repairing the street.
Was Q Street part of the previous bond measure?
Q Street was not included in the 2018 GO Bond 20-296 project list. Those streets were:
- Olympic Street—Mohawk Blvd to 28th Street
- Centennial Blvd—Aspen Street to Prescott Lane
- Commercial Street—42nd Street west approx. 450 feet
- 42nd Street—Main Street to approx. International Paper
- Thurston Road—58th Street to 69th Street
- 14th Street—Main Street to A Street & E Street to G Street
- Mohawk Blvd—G Street to Highway 126
- Highbanks Road/58th Street— 52nd Street to Thurston Rd
Read about the previous projects here: https://springfield-or.gov/…/deve…/2018-go-bond-measure/
Is the Mohawk overpass on any City street repair list?
The City is planning a pavement repair project from the ramps on the northside of the Mohawk overpass on 19th Street to Marcola Road. Part of this project includes implementing pedestrian safety enhancements as well. Looking ahead, we are actively seeking funding opportunities to undertake a comprehensive reconstruction of the intersection at 19th Street and Q Street/Marcola Road. The overpass itself is owned and managed by the Oregon Department of Transportation and will coordinate with any project they may have as possible.
Will the intersection at 10th and Main streets be repaired?
The intersection at 10th and Main is maintained by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and not City staff. Throughout the City, our operations crews are working to repair and maintain streets that have been damaged by winter weather. When rainwater enters cracks in the street surface, then freezes and thaws, the asphalt expands and contracts causing a breakdown in the asphalt. To report repair requests to ODOT you can call 1-888-275-6368 (1-888-ASK-ODOT) and choose option 6. To report potholes to the City please call 541-726-3761.
How long were the taxes collected on the 2018 bond measure?
The tax collection period for the 2018 Bond Measure 20-296 started July 1, 2019, and goes through June 30, 2024. With the passage of 2024 Bond Measure 20-351, the tax collection period will be July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2029.
Does ODOT maintain all of Main Street or only certain areas?
ODOT owns and maintains Main Street overall including sidewalks and travel lanes. The City does perform maintenance on the traffic lights and the maintenance access hole covers and rings plus performs plowing, sanding, and sweeping on Main Street for ODOT through an agreement. The streetlights along Main Street are owned by the City and are maintained for us by SUB through an agreement.
Is there a plan for Fairview from Prescott to the city limits?
At this time, Fairview Drive from Prescott to the city limits is being maintained as part of our normal annual maintenance program including filling any potholes and tree and debris removal as needed. You can report potholes or other issues to the City by calling 541-726-3761.
Additionally, each fall we advertise to the community requesting potential Capital Improvement projects. The City of Springfield’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) provides a five-year outlook of the City’s planned physical improvements. Examples of capital projects include construction of streets, wastewater lines, pedestrian ramps, sidewalks, and bike paths. Other examples include installation of streetlights and street landscaping throughout the city. The CIP includes cost estimates and projected financing sources for each project. Community members can submit projects for consideration including street repairs at that time. More details available at https://bit.ly/Spfldcip.
What work would be done to Aspen Street if the bond passes?
The Aspen Street project would include full surface repair/restoration from Centennial to Tamarack Street. In addition to the pavement repairs, sidewalks would be constructed where gaps currently exist as well as repairing existing sidewalks where necessary and upgrading pedestrian ramps to meet current American with Disabilities Act requirements.
How does a street make it on the list to be evaluated?
All streets are part of our audit process to evaluate their condition. Then to make the list for possible repairs, the following is considered as well:
- Overall condition of the street
- If it is an arterial, collector, or neighborhood street
- If it would be cost effective to do street preservation work instead of a full reconstruction project
- Traffic volume
- CIP requests received from the community – https://bit.ly/Spfldcip