Beautiful Springfield Contest Winner Sue Mandeville, her husband, and Sanipac representative Aaron Donley.
Congratulations to Sue Mandeville our contest winner!
Contest Closed
Show the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers Some Love!
You could win a year of free residential garbage service.
Sanipac and the City of Springfield recently partnered to create a one-of-a-kind wrap for a new garbage truck that is running solely in Springfield. The “Beautiful Springfield!” truck pictured below, will run different routes throughout the year so each Springfield neighborhood has a chance to see it in-person. The theme “Beautiful Springfield” was chosen because it acknowledges that waste removal keeps Springfield attractive and helps support both Sanipac and the City’s environmental efforts. We hope that “Beautiful Springfield” resonates with community members who love Springfield and what a beautiful place it is to live. And even more, how the McKenzie and Willamette rivers contribute to the beauty of our area.
Do you love the McKenzie and Willamette rivers? Tell us and other community members about it!
Place a message on our digital message board.
By doing so, Sanipac will give one lucky Springfield customer one year of free residential garbage service (up to 1-65gal x 1/week trash) via a random drawing of all participants. Additionally, digital messages posted may also be featured in future outreach by the City.
Please review the participation and contest rules before signing the digital message board.
The contest digital message board was open September 1 through November 30, 2021. Thank you for keeping Springfield beautiful!