42nd Street Overlay – Update

Construction has started on the 42nd Street pavement overlay project. Preliminary work began at the end of July and includes construction of new sidewalk ramps. To meet current standards, existing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) sidewalk ramps are being updated. As the project continues a paving grind and inlay will be applied to 42nd St. between International Paper and Marcola Rd, along with new striping and signing.

This section of 42nd Street is past the point of being able to be maintained properly in its current condition. A grind and inlay will be applied to this section of 42nd St. to improve the travel surface of the street. The project is scheduled to be completed by November 30, 2024. The latest project information can be found at the project page. Future improvements are being considered and will be determined once an analysis of the 42nd St. levee has been completed.